Meliodas felt his little heartbeat go crazy at how nervous he was. He didn't know if Zeldris would like his gift since it wasn't much, and more than anything he didn't want to annoy his brother anymore then he felt he did already.Any time he opened his mouth around the demon it seemed to make his very soul scowl at Meli even though his words themselves weren't negative. Although the curt attitude and very even tone did seem to have very negative intent behind them. Like Zeldy was trying to keep himself from snapping at the boy, and it absolutely devastated the child.
To anyone else it might have seemed like just his normal personality, but to the blond? It was completely odd. Because he had the version of Zeldris most didn't get to see as reference.
He had gotten to see a goofy, loving, patient, strong, reliable, side that always did his best to make Mel feel happy and safe. That side of his brother was his very best friend in the whole world, and the young blond would do anything he could just to see even a glimpse of that Zeldris again. Even just a smile, even if not caused by Meliodas himself.
Anything, anything at all to see that he wasn't really gone.
Holding the item he had poured so much love into tightly as his nerves started to rise, the boy forced himself to take a deep breath as he stood outside the man's room.
It's okay... you can do this. Just be sure to be polite. Knock gently incase he's working, I don't want to bother him.
The blond forced himself to knock before he could get talked out of it by his anxiety, and heard a curt "come in" in reply.
"What is it Meliodas?"
Flinching at the word, the boy who's mouth was dry and mind blank, tried his best to answer fast and respectfully so he didn't upset Zel.
"I-I um... I just wanted to bring you something. S-Sorry if i interrupted your work, I can just leave it here for later.."
Going to set it down and quickly leave, the ravenette spoke before he could do so.
"No, it's fine. I need a break anyway. You have a minute or two before I'll have to get back go it, got it?"
He nodded and thanked his brother, confidence slightly restored as he very gently lifted his item and took it over to Zeldris.
"What's this?"
"I um... I made it for you. I hope you like it."
Meliodas was fiddling with his hands nervously as he waited in agony for the man to open it, hoping beyond hope that Zeldris would like it and not think it a waste of time and get mad.
However as the sibling unwrapped the paper carelessly, Meliodas honestly wasn't sure what he thought. He had an odd look in his eyes that the boy didn't understand.
"D...Do you not like it, Zeldy?"
Growing pale as he said the nickname again, he tried to backtrack and watched as once again, Zeldris didn't move.
"D-Do you not like it? I..I'm sorry, I just wanted to give you something after the sword you gave me and it made me think of this... I don't remember anything from when I was asleep, but I remember having this. It.. It was the locket you got me for my seventh birthday remember? The day you started training me how to use swords? I um.. I put some stuff in it for you to say sorry. F-For making you so angry all the time.."
His brother traced the lines on the locket as if it was the most precious thing in the world, a far away look in his eyes.
"I can't believe it.. You really kept this?"
Feeling confused by the comment, the blond's eye brows furrowed before he replied.
"Of course I did! I love everything you give me Zeld- I mean, big brother. Especially that. That was my favorite thing in the world because no matter how far apart we were from each other, or how much I missed you when you went on missions, I could always have that with me so I'd never get lonely! I really loved the picture in it too, you and Esta were so happy in it! That's why I didn't mess with it at all, but I put some other things in it for you."
Tears were in the ravenette's eyes as he opened the locket gently, little stacks of paper in the shape of the locket stacked, each with a different thing on it.
For if you get sad.
For if you get mad.
Lastly? One labeled "I'm sorry." And the man read them all.
Dear big brother, I am sorry you're sad right now. If you need some space, I'll leave you alone, and if you need a hug, I'd be happy to give you one! Just please don't be sad alone, okay? I'll always be here. Love, Mel.
Dear Brother, if you're mad, I'll do my best to leave you alone so you can cool off, or get you a pillow to hit if you want! Just please don't hold it all in, okay? You always tell me that being bitter is like drinking bad milk and expecting someone else to taste it! So don't be bitter and just let yourself be mad. You don't look nice with such a sour look on your face! Love, Meli.
Now the final one, one Zeldris didn't understand why Meliodas would write until he read it.
Dear big brother, I'm really sorry I don't know what I did to always make you look so upset with me, but I promise to be extra polite and not call you Zeldy anymore since you don't seem to like it, and I'll do whatever else I can to make it up to you, okay? Oh, I also know I keep getting in your way when you're trying to work, and I understand you don't like having me around anymore, so I won't bother you either. But.. whatever I can't think of that I did to make you so angry? I'm really REALLY sorry. I just want you to know that even if you can't forgive me. Love, Meliodas.
By the time he finished the last letter, tears were spilling down his face while Meliodas watched in alarm.
"O-Oh no! Did I make you sad? I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, do you want me to leave-"
Before the child could finish he was tackled in a tight hug with his older brother falling apart next to him and more broken than Meliodas had ever seen him before.
"B-Big brother?"
"Thank you Meli. I... I'm so sorry I made you feel like such a burden, but you don't have to be sorry for anything, because none of it matters anymore. You're my little brother, and I'm NOT letting you go again.. okay?"
At first, Meliodas was alarmed, then confused as to what his brother meant, but as the demon held onto him tightly in the embrace, none of those questions mattered as the boy just nodded.
Didn't edit so I'm not sure how good this is. Hope you like it though! ^^"
Word Count- 1227

Turning Back The Clock
FanfictionMeliodas was a fearless leader, a strong fighter, and a person many people relied on. However unbeknownst to many, he used to be a very powerful commandment as well. And even more unknown, even to his closest allies, he was the youngest brother of t...