Inklings POV
So I was sitting in the library looking over a picture of my wife and I. I miss her alot her name is Samara her and I were the onws that came up with the plan of creating thw Octonauts. But one day our parents from her side got sick so she stayed to look after them. I brought out of my thoughts when Kwazii came rushing in he looked worried."Professor has Shellington been down here at all?"
"No why?"
"He hasn't returned to the Octopod yet"
"I'm sure he's fine probably just got caught up in reaserching an animal and just lost track of time and is probably zoned out no need to worry"
"Ya you're probably rifht... What are you looking at?"
"Just some pictures of my life on the sea mount"
"Who's that I know that's not your twin. Is it?"
"No she's a speacal friend of mine"
Transfer over to the other Octonauts
Samara's POV
So I'm in the 4 year old girls room just watxhing her sleep woundering if she'll ever be able to meet her father he left two weaks before I found out we were going to be parents. No he didn't leace because he didn't love me anymore he left to create the Octonauts a search and rescue team. I miss him very much I would do anything to just to see him again except for killing somebody no defiantly not that anything but that.

Fanfiction Shellington x Dashi
FanfictionCaptan Barnacles is bringing the Octonauts together. Shellington the sea otter is one of the new crew members he is shy and independent until Dashi the dog comes. Shellington gets a major crush on her but doesn't know how to tell her.