Chapter 17

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I walked to the gymnasium where everyone was gathered, even in this world there is Physical Education.

I walked to the gymnasium where everyone was gathered, even in this world there is Physical Education

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(This is what Crestbreeze Academy Looks like)

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(This is what Crestbreeze Academy Looks like)

I noticed there was an enormous crystal ball in front. I thought today was the opening of clubs?

"Euphie~" I hear Basil from behind me

"Oh there you guys wer- AH!"

"G-get oo-off m-me, too h-heavyyy"

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"G-get oo-off m-me, too h-heavyyy"

"Hmm..Nope" He ginned while still laying on top of me.

"P-please, no oxygen.." I was patting his back repeatedly.


"Last warning, Basil" I warned him when I finally manage to stick my head out.

"Nu uh" I shook his head.

"That's it, you asked for this." I placed both of my hands on his sides and lifted him up.

"Eh?" He wore a dumb dotted expression. (• ▿ •)



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"Haa... So refreshing" I said with a satisfied expression on my face.

*clap clap clap clap*

I looked at my friends and they were clapping while the others gave me a thumbs up and a cheeky grin.

"So what's with the Crystal Ball over there?" I asked while dusting off my hands.

"Oh you didn't know? There's a magic aptitude test for the new students." Selina replied.

"Wait what now? A-am I included?"

"Well yeah" Mara said as she dusted off the dirt behind my uniform.

Holy Shxt, I didn't freaking know! I wonder if my Acoustikinesis attribute would show up in the crystal ball. When I read the books in the library back in the cold palace, I didn't read anything about it.

The bell rung so we had to sit down. The Headmaster explained that everyone is required to join at least one club. He then called all the new students one by one.

"Kiara Ieptyr" she went in front and placed her hands on the crystal ball. It glowed scarlet red, medium-high level Fire Magic.

She had a smile on her face as she went down, we all cheered anyone and everyone who climbs up there and takes the test needless of what result they get.

"Imperial Princess Euphemia Photine Isolde Sveltlana" the Headmaster called.

Gosh my title is so long..

I was hesitant so I looked back and saw my friends all grinning and nudging me to walk along. I took a deep breath and made my way to the stage.

I placed my hands on the Crystal Ball and the first color popped in.

A bright Turquoise Ocean blue shined.

"Excellent Level Water Magic." The Headmaster smiled at me.

Then a Yellow Tourmaline color glowed.

"High Level Lightning Magic." The Headmaster smiled even brighter.

Orange Sapphire was the next color,

"High Level Imagery Magic!" The Headmaster announced in a sing song voice.

Followed by a bright Silver Grey color,

"High Level Puppet Magic!!" The Headmaster clapped and the voices of the students at awe were filling the gymnasium.

The color next was a shining Emerald Green Color.

"Excellent Level Creation Magic!!! There hasn't been one for the last
10 000 years!" The Headmaster was practically dancing.

I tried removing my hands but it wouldn't oh shitcakes.

Gold hue was emitting from the crystal ball, it was blinding.

"Sweet good Lord, EXCELLENT LEVEL ACOUSTIKINESIS MAGIC! The Lost Tier that hasn't been recorded since millions of years ago, has graced this Academy!!" What I didn't expect was for everyone to cheer and yell. They were all jumping, they're even happier than me.

"That's our bestie!!" Mara yelled from the end of the gymnasium.

"Whoever said she was weak needs to get beat!" Basil was chanting while running around the gymnasium. (≧∇≦)

I hurriedly walked off the stage while the Headmaster was still busy celebrating with the other teachers, I'm glad I was the last one called, it would have been bad for the next student if I wasn't.

I was the last one to enroll after all.

Ryza threw herself at me while suffocating me in between her breast. Selina looked like a proud mom. Basil, Ty and Mara were dancing, arms linked together, around in circles.

I just laughed at the situation.

I'm glad I transferred here from Whytemoon♡

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To be Continued . . .

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