I Like The Way You Smile

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It isn't until Harry's googling the answer to a question for his homework assignment that he gets an idea.

Normally he would just look up everything on Wikipedia, but it's late and he wants to go to sleep, so he clicks all the links for yahoo answers instead to save himself from reading. As he's scrolling, he realizes that you can post anything on yahoo and get a response.

He stares at the empty text box as his mind wanders to (Y/N), the girl in his history class that has the most beautiful smile in the world. In fact, it's reason he's having to google all these answers, since he spent too much time in class watching her laugh with her friends instead of paying attention to what was being taught.

If this works, it'll all be worth it though.

Harry takes a deep breath and starts typing, I need as many corny jokes as I can get to make this girl laugh. She has the best smile I've ever seen. And with another breath, he posts the question for all of yahoo to see.

He hopes it seems romantic and not desperate.


When Harry returns from school the next day, he rushes to his laptop, eager to see if he got any responses. He hopes so, because every time he thinks about the way (Y/N) smiles, he gets butterflies in his stomach when he imagines it's him causing her to smile like that.

Harry smiles so big his cheeks hurt when he sees it - he's got five responses in less than twenty-four hours. Maybe he really doesn't seem desperate after all.

He reads them over carefully, giggling at each one, so he thinks they must be good. I can definitely use these, he thinks.


Harry walks into History with a bright smile on his face, earning a few stares from the other students but he can't be bothered to care. Especially when he sees (Y/N) sitting in her usual spot, laughing brightly at something one of her friends just said.

Harry sits in his assigned spot, still thankful that it's next to (Y/N)'s. He glances over at her quickly to see her still smiling and he's pretty sure he can feel his heart expanding inside his chest.

The bell rings and everyone takes their seats at the teacher begins to speak, but Harry tunes him out in favor of watching (Y/N) out of the corner of his eye, waiting for the perfect opportunity to use one of the jokes he spent all night memorizing.

When he hears a small snap, he can feel a comically wide grin break onto his face and his heart speed up a little faster, because this is his opportunity. He takes advantage of the teacher facing the chalkboard and leans over to get her attention, offering her a new pencil.

"You know, you shouldn't write with a broken pencil."

She gives him a questioning look, but accepts the pencil with a smile. "Why not?"

"Because it's pointless."

A laugh threatens to escape her mouth in the silent room and she has to cover her mouth. Harry's a little disappointed that he didn't get to see her laugh, but he does feel a sense of accomplishment spread through his chest knowing he was reason for that laugh.

"You're funny, Harry," she whispers.

By the end of the day, Harry's cheeks hurt from smiling so much.


Harry walks into his History class a few days later with another bright smile and a sense of confidence that makes his chest swell because he made (Y/N) laugh and he was going to do it again.

His smile quickly fades when he notices the seat next to his is empty. He turns his head toward the door, hoping (Y/N) will walk through it any second. He glances at the clock and worry starts to set in - there's only one minute until the bell rings and (Y/N) is never later.

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