years later!

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It has been 3 years and I married Alice, few 9 month later she had two babys. A boy and a girl. They boys name was Blake, the baby girl was named Tara, Blake was older then Tara. Once we got them home Alice sat on the couch with Tara and I had Blake ''Hey, you alright'' I ask her ''Yeah, just wish Jack could see this''

Jack had gone missing and no one had seen him since then and even I couldnt find him which is stupid. Blake started crying so I tryed to calm him down ''Just calm the child Killian'' Alice said coming down with Tara in her arms ''Just calm the child?'' We look at each other, so Alice look at Tara and Blake ''The love is lost beauty and light have vanshied from the garden, the Love is here and so are the wings of the ones you love'' as Tara and Blake both fell asleep we set them in the crib ''Tara looks like you'' I told her ''And Blake looks like you too'' Alice told me ''wish Jack could see this'' she said


As the years went by Blake turn 6 and Tara turned 5. I was outside with Blake ''Mama, wheres Daddy?'' Blake ask ''He'll be back soon'' I said to him, then I heard Tara scream. Blake and I ran in and Tara had a scare on her face well on her cheek ''Tara, baby what happen'' I ask lifting her up then Blake pick up the hook and it was almost silver ''Why did she get burned'' Blake ask ''I dont know'' I pick it up and it burn me ''ouch'' then Killian came in ''Honey, what happen'' he ask ''Something is wrong with this silver iron thing'' I said, as he pick it up, it didnt burn him ''Honey, I think Tara has magic in her'' he said

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2015 ⏰

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