Chapter 2

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{Luke's pov}

I sneaked around looking for a corner just to sleep in for the night. I put my head down and my hoodie up so no one could see me. No one understands what I've been going through, I couldn't tell anyone. The only way to avoid being hurt is by avoiding everyone that can hurt you.

Finally, I found a place to stay. It was an old shack which was pretty much broken, it was in pieces. I sat close to the crumbly bricks. I closed my eyes and sighed. I saw clouds, water, a way to escape. I felt like I was free and that I could fly.

After a night of getting no sleep at all, the sun finally rose. I didn't like the daylight, people can see me. I needed to get food but there was no way of getting it when I have to hide. I got up and decided to walk around the empty fields. I picked one daisy, it was beautiful. But not everyone is like a daisy, in fact no one is. Being perfect is just one big lie so why do we all expect to be it? The grass was so tall. When I sat down, no one could see my face. That was the only time I could be happy, when I'm alone.

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