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All you see is outside me

But have you ever wondered what's beneath?

Am I hurt or am I scared?

Is it something I can bare?

Or is it just a blank slate hiding underneath?

Inside there is another me

Someone who is confident and strong

And admits when she is wrong

I am honest and true

And help old and new

And with everyone I try to get along

I don't know if I'm happy or sad

Angry or mad

Accompanied or alone

But sometimes I just float away with my thoughts like a drone

My family sees me as caring and kind

My friends see me as a good influence

My best friend tells me I have a bright mind

And thinks in the world I can make a difference

I want to help the needy and the poor

I want to show them an open door

I want to help orphans to become big and strong

And show them the difference between right and wrong

I have many problems on my shoulder

And the more they are the more I feel colder

But when I get rid of them 1 by 1

Only then I will then realize that I got the job done

That is just me being me

I try to be as helpful as I can be

It always feels good to be myself

Because that way I don't have to change for anyone else!

The Rollercoaster of Life!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें