"What ? Bae, what is that little girl talking about ?" Nicole was giving me a confused look.
Mike and Zack was still looking shocked and confused.
"Look, I can really explain that." I said rubbing my face nervously.
Nicole shook her head, "You nasty ass pedophile!! I can't believe this shit !!" She was crying so hard.
Mike tried to calm her down, "Let him explain..." Nicole put her hand in Mike's face, "No! Why should I ? I already let him explain when he cheated on me and he burnt his damn dick!!! Now he cheating on me with a young hoe !!?" Mike and Zack mouth dropped.
They didn't know about Miss.Bullard.
I didn't want them to know either.
"I didn't want it!She did it in my sleep !" I yelled out to her as I grabbed her hand.
She snatched away, "Mike,please...take me home!!" She ran towards Mike's car, and got in quickly.
I didn't know what to do, so I just stood there looking stupid.
"Damn."Zack said under his breath.
Mike looked at me disappointed, "Should I take her home?"
Nicole let down the window, "Mike come on!!!"
I stood up and walked towards the car, "She is lying Nicole!! Please, hear me out for once !!!"
Nicole faced forward in the passenger seat, and folded her arms, "I don't want too!"
"I was sleep, she came in my room and started sucking me up in my damn sleep Nicole! I put that on my son!!" I pleaded.
She ignored me still.
Mike walked around to the driver side with his keys out, "Nigga! You better not drive off with my bitch in the car !!" I demanded Mike with a attitude.
Mike backed up from his car with his hands up in the air, "Look man, I hear you."
I swung open the car door and pulled Nicole out.
"You gone start listening to me !!!" I looked her into her eyes.
She smirked at me.
I guess that turned her on.
"Aye, Mike and I gone get up out of here my G." Zack stuck his hand out to shake mine.
Mike cranked his car up, "Yeah, y'all got issues to discuss...I guess we will see y'all tomorrow at the new shop."
Zack jumped in the passenger seat, "Hopefully,"Zack said under his breath before they pulled off.
I pulled Nicole to the porch, and kissed her on her lips,softly.
She calmed down real quick.
I knew how to get her now.
"I'm not letting you go that easy girl...after what you just did for me, with the barbershop..."
I told her as I sat down on the porch.
She sat next to me, "So, you didn't have sex with her on purpose?" Nicole asked like a dumb white girl.
I smacked my teeth, "No! I told you what happened!"
She looked at the ground, then sighed, "Byran...I love you, and ..I promise i'm not mad anymore...but..."She dropped her purse on the side of her, "Maybe, we should just be friends."
I dropped my cup of Remy out my hand on to the ground, "Friends ?"I looked into her purse, and saw a medicine bottle.
I tried to look closely to what kind it was.

Intimacy-A UrbanTale
RomanceByran Harris "B", is a 24 year old man from Chicago,Illinois who moved to Los Angeles, California after his parent's tragic death.Living with his elderly grandmother who is sickly with no income,and his 15 year old brother Shaun, who is rebellious...