Chapter 10

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"Wonwoo hyung, so I heard you got a boyfriend?" Wonwoo choke on his lunch when Boo Seungkwan threw him a question that he wasn't expecting. Boyfriend?

Seungkwan is smirking. Everyone at the table looks up at Wonwoo. And Wonwoo is now looking at Seungkwan with wide eyes.


"Oh come on, I heard you are talking to someone every night." Oh wow, Wonwoo knows exactly where that is coming from. It's none other than his roommate, Vernon. That little jerk.

He threw a glare at Vernon who is eating his own lunch as if he did not do anything.

"Oh really? Mingyu is talking to someone every night too." Soonyoung jumps in to the conversation, trying not to worry how Mingyu could kill him for making jokes like this.

"Oh, Mingyu hyung has a boyfriend, too?" Chan asks, innocently.

Oh my god, just one meal. Wonwoo just wants one meal without trying to explain this. But here he is, sitting in the middle of his friends and with Kim Mingyu, thanks to Soonyoung who dragged the taller to sit with them for lunch.

And now, they are having this conversation that he does not even know how to avoid.

"Talking to someone at night doesn't make them boyfriends," Mingyu spoke.

Everyone got silent.


Right. That's the best way to keep their friends' mouths shut. But Wonwoo wonders why he felt something sink a little in his chest. It was unsettling.

Sooner or later, Vernon started to talk about the big game he has to play with Seungkwan, and everyone's attention is lifted from Mingyu and Wonwoo. But still, Wonwoo does not know why he is not happy with what Mingyu said.

That afternoon, Wonwoo couldn't finish his lunch.


As a bottle of banana milk was placed on the table in front of Wonwoo, he looked up.

It's Mingyu.

"That's your favorite drink." Mingyu pointed to the bottle.

"...yeah." and there goes a moment of silence. Wonwoo is not happy. What Mingyu said is right. Talking to someone at night doesn't make them boyfriends. Of course, he knows that. And he doesn't want to be boyfriends with his enemy as well, does he?

No! Of course not.

"Are you okay? You seem pretty off since this morning."

"...I am good."

"No, you are not." of course, who is he kidding? Mingyu knows him long enough to find out if he is upset. But wait, are they close enough to be this comfortable around each other?

"'s nothing" he sighed.

"Alright if you say so..." Mingyu left looking a bit disheartened or if that's what Wonwoo is thinking him to be. Mingyu is now becoming his frenemy and their conversations got better and better each day. There is a very teeny-tiny possibility that Mingyu might feel sad to see Wonwoo being distanced from him but again, they are not best friends. The taller might not care about Wonwoo as much as he wants him to be...

Or was Wonwoo hoping Mingyu to care about him?

But why?...


Something is disturbing in his chest since yesterday. Wonwoo should have been happy that he does not need to tutor Mingyu today because it is the weekend. He should be enjoying his time with his friend. Ah never mind. It's 10 pm and Vernon is still at with Seungkwan. Soonyoung is also out partying with two Chinese boys. Chan is playing video games at his friend's house.

And Mingyu? He does not know what Mingyu is doing but he is pretty sure the taller might be doing something fun, forgetting all about Wonwoo's existence.

Wonwoo scoffs when the thought about Kim Mingyu runs in his head.

"Who said I want to be boyfriends with him?"

"Nerd... are you inside?" Wonwoo was startled when he heard Mingyu's voice coming from the other side of the door together with a few knocks.

"Mingyu?" Wonwoo murmured as he opens the door.


He is not expecting to see the taller in a white shirt and black pants, hair is wet and messy, looking like he just finished showering. He is not gonna lie, Mingyu smells so good...too sweet.

It must be vanilla. No, no. Focus Wonwoo, focus.

"W-what are you doing here? We don't have to meet tonight." Damn it, he hates himself for stuttering.

"Come with me" and in a second, Wonwoo is dragged by Mingyu out of the school dorm, passed by the cafeteria and a few buildings near the library.

"Wait!" he uses all his strength to stop Mingyu from running while holding his hands.

"Why are we going to the library? And why must we go there at 10 at night?" he asked half panting, probably half dying. But Mingyu doesn't seem to care about him and his questions.

"Just follow me." Mingyu dragged his hands again and walks slowly to the back of the library. It's the backyard connected to the outdoor basketball court.

"We are not going to the library."

"Then where?"

"There..." Mingyu stopped and pointed out to the basketball court.

"Are we playing basketball? B-but I don't know how..." Wonwoo is confused at this point...until the taller make him lie down at the center of the court.

"We are going to stay here until you feel better..."

Mingyu said it as he lies down on the field with his eyes closed. Wonwoo is now finding a word to respond. But he couldn't find any.

"I don't know what got into you, but I thought maybe, you know, try to relax? The sky is pretty clear tonight."


"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Wonwoo nodded but he is still lost in words. Wonwoo is still processing what just happen. It's hard to concentrate when that vanilla scent of Mingyu keeps tingling his heart.

Big black skies and Kim Mingyu...

That's just hard to concentrate.

And there, his heart skips a beat... what was that?


The view is nice, Wonwoo knows. Who wouldn't love looking up at this beautiful sky with the thousands of stars? But is it wrong for Wonwoo to get caught up with the view of Mingyu lying with his eyes closed beside him.? Soft air blows, Mingyu's hair dances with the wind. Vanilla scent comes in again.

His heart skips...again.


Wonwoo couldn't stop staring at the boy although he knows Mingyu opens up his eyes slowly and looking back at him. His eyes were brown. Lashes were long. Mingyu's eyes were so clear that Wonwoo could almost see the reflection of the sky. Or is it just the way Mingyu's eyes shine?

His heart skips...again.


For all at once, with the three strong loud beats of heart, Wonwoo realizes that he is falling for Mingyu.

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