where suga is a dangerous and famous Mafia leader who is a single father of a stubborn kid....
he was busy can't take care of his own child...
where hoseok is a kind and cheerful man....who don't have any job...have a cute son...loves his son and hi...
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Name: Jung minsuk Age : 60 Hoseok grandfather Work for suga As care taker of shin Suga respect him
Young master please eat something; Mr. Jung / Jung minsuk said...
No, I will eat when dad will come...; shin said....
But young master you know your dad will be late so don't wait for him and start eating; Mr. Jung said while putting spoon with peacie of food towards shin mouth.. But shin looked away....
No means no grandpa..... And dad promised me he will eat with me tonight...; shin said happily...
They both was arguing when doorbell rings... Some maids open the door and sugar comes inside....
Dad...; shin said and ran towards suga ....he hug suga.....
Oh my boy, you are still awake?...; suga asked..
Yes dad, let's have dinner together..; shin said happily..
I'm sorry little boy.. I'm too tired..; suga said while ruffling shin hairs...
But you promised me dad..; shin said with pout...
I'm really sorry my boy; suga said as he sat on his knee and wipe shin tears...
No, don't touch me; shin shushed suga hands...
Shi-; suga try to speak...
If mom will be here this will be not happen... You always busy with your work... You are so mean.... You don't love me.. You don't care about me..; shin said as he left to his room while crying...
Suga sighed and tell Mr. Jung to follow him and feed him something....
After Mr. Jung left suga come to his room... He was tired and messy clothes... He went to bathroom.. Got freshedand come after wearing comfy clothes.... He sat on couch and throw his head back on couch...
(● ̄(工) ̄●)
Shin come to his room and throw himself on bed start crying...
Mr. Jung followed him...
Little master please eat something...; Mr. Jung said while hugging shin..
Shin hugged back as well... And shake his head as no....
But little master you need to eat to be strong...; Mr. Jung said while broking hug...
I'm not hungry....; shin said...
Please little master for your dad; Mr. Jung said...
No..... If he doesn't care about me why would I huh?... I'm not gonna eat...; shin said angrily...
He loves you little master.. He just don't have time...; Mr. Jung said..
Oh really... Can't he have time for his loved ones.. You are lying he don't love me... I'm just a burden on him...; shin said crying...
Don't say it again; Mr. Jung hug shin...
But I want someone to care me..; shin said..
I will talk to your dad now stop crying and eat something..; Mr. Jung asked..
Promise..; shin asked..
Promise..; Mr. Jung said and smiled...
Shin smiled back and Mr. Jung start feeding food to shin..
Oh what happened yoongi...; suga open his eyes and saw his best friend namjoon sat on bed...
Oh when u come here..; suga said
Just when u was lost in thoughts... BTW why r u sad?..; rm said ...
Nothing just about shin... He thinks I don't love me.. But he is my everything.. I just can't take care of him.. How bad father I'm...; suga said looking down...
Hey it's OK... I think he needs a babysitter...; rm said...
What no way, you know what happened when he was 5 years old... I hired a babysitter... She was behaved good in front of me... But she used to abuse shin when. I was not at home.... If that day o didn't come she will be kill him... Thank God I just fired her.... I can't take that risk again...; suga shouted...
Cool down bro... What if we hired a HE instead of SHE?...; rm said...
So?.. Nothing gonna change... I can't put my baby in any danger.. No no never..; suga refused...
Suga lis-;there conversation got interrupted by Mr. Jung enter in room he bowed and greeted to rm...
Oh Mr. Jung u here?...; suga asked...
Yes sir... It's about shin.. I think he needs someone who can love him and take care of him....; Mr. Jung said...
That's what I'm saying that he needs a babysitter..; rm said...
And I know someone..on whom we can trust; rm said...
Who?; suga asked
Of course Mr. Jung son.. Jung Hoseok..; rm said...
What Hoseok..; Mr. Jung shocked...
Yes uncle we know he is a nice person and caring too we can trust him so please don't refuse it please..; rm said.
OK master as u wish now I need to go..; with that me. Jung left...
Who is it Jung Hoseok and how u know him.. Yoongi asked...
U will see soon..; rm winked at suga and left the room...
Suga sighed...
I will see you soon Mr. JUNG HOSEOK...
After that he fell asleep...
So guys how was it?... Did u liked it... I did my best... Please don't forget to vote... Take care... Stay safe Stay happy