💛 Headcanon(s) 06 💛

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Who's the cuddler:

Who makes up the bed:
Whoever wakes up later

Who wakes up first:
Depends on the day because both tend to stay up late

Who has the weird taste in music:
Hajime, idk why I think so-

Who is more protective:
Both, again-

Who sings in the shower:
Hajime, Nagito sings to Hajime occasionally or when he's alone (which rarely happens)

Who cries during movies:
Neither, they both just make fun of whatever movie they're watching

Who spends the most while out shopping:
Nagito, he spends a lot on little trinkets

Who kisses more roughly:
Uhhhhh depends on the situation

Who is more dominate:
Hajime, unpopular opinion asf

My rating of the ship from 1-10:
∞/10 (this is my otp if you haven't guessed yet-)

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