Once upon a time in the kingdom of Anovia...
There lived 5 different groups of creatures called the multitudes. In the Multitudes their lived, The Shadows, who lurked in the darkness. The Werewolves, who hunted the weak. The Witches, who cast spells...
I'm staring at Eli and he's starting right back our hand's centimeters away from each other. Faces inches away. The lights dim setting the mood just right. My face flushed from having a drink of the cocktail sex on the beach.
"Eli, " I whispered
"Yeah, " he said his hand wrapping around my waist pulling me closer. He clasped my hand in his slowly our faces so close
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I twink my eyes...
That's was a dream...
That is a dream...
My life is so sad
Yeah our life is so sad but right now you're on a mission to find a stolen gem... how devastating
"Shut up,"
"Whatevs, " Midnight says even though I was talking to my wolf sky... Anyway, I sit up and wipe the crust from my eyes, and unbraid my hair. With a comb, I brush it through getting out all the knots but it seems like I just made it worse. Giving up I get out of the tent where my eyes laid on the RK's eating breakfast.
When chad looks at me he snorts his food out his nose
When Midnight looks and me he doesn't even try to hide his laugh
When Mendel looks at me he just smiles
And when Ro looks at me worry lays in her eyes
Bitch you look like trash
Hopefully not as dirty as you
I sit down next to Ro and Chad. I grab my food while chad is cleaning his nose chuckling like a fucking idiot
"Alright, guys good news, " Mendel says we're about
I chew on my food slowly
"Were about twenty miles for the gem..."
I take another bite from my food
"Um guys this is the part where you start cheering and laughing and saying 'omg were so close'... 'Mendel your so amazing, "
"No ones gonna say that, " Midnight looks at Mendel half awake
I chew even slower
"Why are u chewing like a sloth, " Chad says to me
"Why are u chewing like a sloth, " I copy trying to imitate his voice but it just makes every burst into laughter including me
"God I hate you guys, " I smiled... A genuinely happy one