After being betrayed by your ex guild,fairy tail and being cheated by your ex, Sting, you left to get stronger meeting Brain on the way. Him being your childhood friend, asked you to join his guild to get revenge on fairy tail, meeting the Oracion S...
Using the magic that surrounds me, I transformed into my dark form.
"You think you know fear?! I shall show you true TERROR!!" Transforming into my dark form, markings took over my hand and legs. Allowing the black magic to take over, my eyes darken, and appearance chance.
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"May darkness rise as the sun sets. Cover the world in total darkness and extinguish the flame that keeps human alive..." Picking up the injured Midnight, I left him at the corner and survey my surroundings. Some of my team member are winning and some unconscious. I look back at Fairy Tail and Sabertoot, giving the a death glare, I charged towards them. Taking out Orga first, I charged towards him and struck him with black lightning. Casting his god lightning, our powers clash. Depending on who's magic can last the longest. The rest of the members took advantage and attack me from all directions. Taking out a key, I chanted.
"Open gate of the 11 fatui harbingers, Childe!" Opening his gate, he stood behind me and used his sword to get rid of the rest of the members. Nodding at him, we took separate ways and attack. I went after Sabertooth while Childe went after Fairy Tail.
Going for Sting and Rogue, I fought with them. Summoning a scythe, I swing it towards them and we engaged in a serious battle. Kick and punching each other, we moved so fast, there were flashes a d we fought. Giving them on last kick, I sent them towards the ground. Preparing a spell to finish them, I was sent to the ground my Minerva's spell. Glaring up at her, I jumped up towards her and stretch my hand towards her face and was about to grab it when Sting and Rogue pulled me down with their weight. Slamming back down, I felt my head hurt and dizzy. Looking around, everything looks disoriented.
"You're as weak as before Y/n. No wonder Fairy tail kicked you out."
"You're pathetic. I can't believe I'm dating someone as useless as you..."
"Please no one wants you. Just go die in a ditch somewhere. No like no one will miss you anyway. "
Hearing voices in my head...I'm not sure if they are true or not....
'Am I really that weak...? Is that why no one wants me?". Overpowered by my thoughts I didn't realize that I wa surrounded by darkness with my past playing over and over again. Feeling like giving up, I felt someone behind me. Looking around I saw Kyoya standing behind me with his hand stretch out.
"Why are you sitting here? " He asked holding my hand and walking around.
"I...I'm not sure. I was in battle for one moment and then was suddenly transported here. I think the voices, brought me here. I do t like it ..." I replied looking down.
"I see... Do you think you're weak y/n?"he asked.
"I...I don't know... I feel like I lack in power when I don't. I'm not sure what's missing..." Feeling sad, Kyoya glanced at me and smiled. He stood in front of me and place something in my hand.
"Then maybe it's time, you take and use what's around you. " He said smiling down at me. I looked at him and see him smiling at me.
"Take care princess." Looking down at the my hand, I saw a new key. A Nightmare key. Just like the celestial key, this one feeds on nightmares. I immediately knew what to do. Holding the key close to my heart, I silently knew what I needed to do.