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After I closed the door ,doctor Jasper looked at me and smiled
He had blonde hair and blue eyes, he looked like 40 something years old
"Roxanne Garcia?" He asked, his voice was deep
I nod
"Please take a seat" he says politely pointing at a wooden chair, I obeyed and sat in the chair
"Have you had any symptoms lately?" He asked sitting in the chair in front of me
"No" I answer naturally
"No?" He asked surprised and confused "Not a headache, a little bit of nausea?" He asked
"Umm no" I say "well I only saw my dead grandma but nothing else out of the ordinary" I laugh a little bit
He looks at me like if I was his lost daughter or something
"Wait here" he said standing up, he headed to his desk and called some numbers on his phone "with the headmaster please"
'Have I said something wrong?' I ask myself 'why is he calling the headmaster?'
2 6 0 2 4 7 4 1 3 5
2 6 0 2 4 7 4 1 3 5
2 6 0 2 4 7 4 1 3 5
Those numbers started appearing in my head over, and over, and over again
2 6 0 2 4 7 4 1 3 5
It was really annoying me and it was giving me a headache, so I took the notebook from doctor Jasper and wrote those numbers in the page
"2 6 0 2 4 7 4 1 3 5" I say while I write them down "oh my god" I say to myself and I see the page "this is Taylor's phone number"
Doctor Jasper kept talking with the headmaster, well I think that he was arguing with the headmaster's secretary
I take out my phone and add a new contact
Taylor The killer
Don't judge me. His name is Taylor and he killed my granny, that's the most logical name
At least for me it is the most logical name
After a while waiting for the headmaster I started drawing in the doctor's notebook, I wasn't concentrating on anything specifically, until a knock in the door startled me
Then Doctor Jasper opened the door
"Headmaster please do come in" he said
"Thank you Doctor Jasper" a deep voice said
"Roxanne, this is the headmaster" doctor Jasper says behind, I turn around and I see a man with gray eyes and gray hair, he was old but looked younger
"Professor Perkins, please" he said sitting I front of me
"Roxanne Garcia" I say with a smile
"Doctor Jasper here tells me that you have no symptoms" he said pointing at the doctor "is that true?" He asked
"Yes" I answer
"Is it true that you also saw your dead grandmother?" He asked in a more sever tone
I nod slowly, and he sits in the chair in front of me
"That's unusual" he said to nobody precisely "run the tests of the pill again" he told the doctor
"I've already have" he said "it's the same pill I give to every new student"
"I drank the pill in front of Arthur and doctor Jasper" I say getting back to my drawing
I wasn't an amazing drawer but I wasn't a crappy one either, I was in the middle
"What's that you're drawing?" Professor Perkins asked standing up and getting next to me
I looked at the drawing
"Oh my God" I say slowly
Professor Perkins seemed uncomfortable after looking at the drawing
"Who's that?" He asked coldly
"A boy I met the day my grandmother died" I say and then I scuff "more like the killer"
"He killed your grandmother?" Doctor Jasper asked
"Yeah, I just said that" I tell him
"Name?" Professor Perkins asked coldly
"Taylor" I answer
"Whole name?" He asked getting I front of me
"I don't know he didn't tell" I say looking at the drawing and at the professor over and over until it hit me
"Perkins" I say almost in a whisper, then I look at the professor "Taylor Perkins" I say louder, professor Perkins nods sadly
"My brother joined the Slayers" he said, I looked him in the eyes and I saw pain and anger
"The Slayers are Gifted that want to exterminate the whole Protector raze" doctor Jasper said "they want to make the Gifted loose their protection to kill them or make them join the Slayers" he looked at Professor Perkins "Taylor was going undercover, but evil got over him" he said in a sad tone
"Taylor had a magnificent Gift" professor Perkins said "he could hypnotize you and get in your mind, he could insert images in your head" he said sitting in the chair once again "it was wonderful"
"I'm gonna have to disagree on that" I said coldly "he put horrible images on my granny's head, he killed her" I say ripping the drawing off the notebook and folding it, then I slipped it in my pocket, along with the phone number
2 6 0 2 4 7 4 1 3 5

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