Next morning the whole group was up and ready to go hours ahead of time. It may have been the first time we were all early for anything. At breakfast, there was excited chit-chat as everyone helped themselves to pancakes, bacon, and eggs. I poured coffee for Draco first before pouring some for myself. I hadn't thought anything of it as Draco placed pancakes and fruit on my plate, knowing I didn't like bacon. "You guys are very cute the way you look out for each other," Daphne laughed. "I think we are just used to each other," I blushed. "I'm sure that's it," Narcissa smiled, coming into the room. She gave the famous Malfoy smirk before kissing us both good morning.
After we had eaten, we headed off to get ready. Layla and I were the last to leave. "Is there something going on between you and Draco?" she asked. "I wish." She knew that I liked him, and it wasn't exactly lying as we weren't actually 'together'. "Why not?" She asked sounding as frustrated as I was. "Well that's down to him. He knows how I feel." We both sighed at this. We got ready quickly, and all met downstairs to the foyer. "Right kids, we will be taking a portkey to the stadium. There will be a tent for distinguished guests, and that's where we are headed. Stay close and follow me. After the match, we will be heading back to the tent before heading home." Lucius explained. We walked out to the front garden, and my dad and Lucius gathered around in a circle. "Where is the portkey father?" Draco added, standing next to me. "We are using my cane, Draco. I needed something that we could all hold onto and something only myself or Ad could activate."
We stood in two lines as Lucius held out his cane. He checked his pocket watch. "It's time, children. Everyone grab hold." We all did as instructed just in time. Suddenly, I felt my feet leave the earth as we swirled around. This was just as bad as disapparating. You feel your insides churning, and your eyesight gets very blurred. When it was time, my dad shouted, "Let go!" and everyone came floating to a stop outside a grand marquee. Well, maybe not floated, but I will never tell anyone how we all ended up in a heap!
We walked through the entrance to be greeted by waiters carrying trays of food and drinks and music playing softly. It was all a little too grand for my taste. Layla looked uncomfortable as well, but the others blended in with the other guests like they belonged. Lucius must have noticed my discomfort as he approached me. "You can enter our private box if you would feel more at home there," he smiled. "Yes please Lucius". He walked Layla and I out to the stands. "This is your pass," he said, placing lanyards around Layla and my necks. "These will allow you entry to the box which is just down this way," he pointed straight ahead. "Follow the green walkway."
Layla and I made our way down the path. We were about to enter our box when I heard "Isla!" being shouted behind me. I turned around to be met with the Weasley's, Harry, Hermione, Cedric, and a man I took to be his dad. 'Hello everyone,' I greeted. Cedric was the first to make it to me, and he scooped me in his arms, twirling me around. "It's so good to see you," he kissed my cheek. "I missed you," I smiled. I hugged Harry and Ron together before turning to Fred and George. "How are my favourite twins?" "Better for seeing you," they both picked a hand and kissed it, making me giggle.
I hugged Hermione and then Ginny, who both leaned into me. "How do you know Cedric Diggory?" Ginny asked impressed. "He's a close friend," I smiled. "Lucky you," Ginny whispered, winking at me. As everyone said hello to Layla, I smiled at Mr Weasley before turning to Cedric and his dad. Cedric put his arm around my waist. "Father, this is the girl I have been telling you about. Isla, this is my father." I smiled politely as the man's eyes lit up. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr Diggory." I smiled, holding out my hand. "The pleasure is all mine, and please call me Amos. My, my Cedric, you didn't tell me how gorgeous she was. No wonder my son is so infatuated with you," he lifted my hand and kissed it. "Dad," Cedric groaned. "I am just stating the truth. The best looking girl in Hogwarts and the best-looking boy. You make quite a pair." I giggled at this as Cedric blushed. If only his father knew how wrong he really is!
"We may get going, everyone. We still have a bit of a climb to get to our seats." Mr Weasley smiled. "It was lovely to see you again, Isla, and to meet you, Layla." Everyone muttered goodbye as Cedric kissed me again, whispering a "sorry about that," in my ear. I didn't mind.
Layla and I headed into our box. It was very grand much like the tent we just escaped. The plush carpet was an emerald green with silver lines. Each seat was like a small throne with green cushions. There were 3 house elves standing there with serving trays. "Hello, I am Isla, " I smiled. "I is Dala, Miss, and this is being Kai and Shugs. Can we get Miss anything?" The house elf bowed. "Not right now, Dala, but thank you so much." Dala beamed turning a slight pink shade before bowing.
Choosing two seats, we made ourselves comfortable. "Cedric is very handsome, Isla, and seems very fond of you." Layla stated, very matter of factor. "He is gorgeous, but we are friends and nothing more." I explained. "I bet Draco turns green when Cedric is around you." Layla chuckled. "What do you mean?" I played dumb. "Oh come on. You know Draco fancies you. He gets so jealous when other guys are around you. Even Blaise and Theo." She was laughing now. "He does not." I defended. "Yes, he does. I don't know why he hasn't made a move on you." I must have looked guilty because Layla's eyes widened before she gave a squeal. "Oh Merlin, he has! When? I thought you said earlier -" I I erupted before she screamed the news to everyone. "No we aren't together or anything, but he has kissed me on a few more occasions." I blushed. "That is great! So why are you not an item?" I told her what Draco said about wanting to be better for me. He sat with her mouth open. "That's so sweet," she gushed. "Stupid but sweet. He needs to hurry up before someone comes along and tries to steal you." She tutted as I rolled my eyes. "Haha very funny." "I'm serious! You are gorgeous and loads of boys at school fancy you. He needs to make a move before another guy does. Like your friend Diggory."
I was saved from further embarrassment by Blaise and...speak of the devil...Draco. "We wondered where you two beauties slipped off to. Thought maybe you had found handsome men we were going to have to fight off." Blaise puffed out his chest. "Sadly I didn't," Layla dramatically sighed, "but Isla just had five boys fawning over her." "What? Who?" Blaise and Draco said together. "I didn't catch their names," she smirked. Draco sat next to me, still frowning, and placed his hand on the small of my back tracing circles with his thumb. The sparks he was giving off set my cheeks ablaze. "Told you I was going to have to fend boys off," he smirked. "I hope you told them you were taken?" He looked over at me smirking. "Am I?" I asked. He changed the subject as I rolled my eyes.
"I got you a pair of omnioculars to watch the game." Draco said, handing me a small box. "Perfect, thank you." I giggled. I had heard these were the best and that it was necessary to see the game but I didn't even now where to begin looking for some. "My pleasure." We sat for a few more minutes until everyone else arrived. Lucius and Draco left to make their way to the Minister's box.
The match was thrilling. The atmosphere was incredible. I think every guy was awestruck when the veela entered the pitch. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the wolf whistling and cat calling. I wonder what Draco made of these gorgeous creatures. Everyone was on the edge of their seats during the match. I was quite glad of my gift from Draco as I was able to rewind bits of the game and slow down the speed on certain points to get a better view.
The match went on for five hours before the Bulgarian seeker, who looked quite young for a professional, finally caught the snitch... right in front of me. He may have caught the snitch, but the Ireland team still won. The Irish seeker, another young boy, was right behind him. He gave me a wink as he darted off to join his teammates in a victory lap. "Seems like you got yourself an admirer, Isla," Theo smirked, causing me to blush. "He may have to get in line," Pansy laughed. "Isla is quite the catch, and quite a few boys have their eyes on her." My cheeks flooded red. I was mortified. My dad didn't look too pleased.