Z=zzz (how fast they fall asleep) Anakin falls asleep fairly quickly but he always tries to fight it off until he's sure you're asleep!
A=Aftercare (what they are like after sex) It doesn't matter if the sex you had just had was rough or tender, that man is clinging to you and peppering your face in kisses the moment you can both breath normally again! It's like the only thing he's capable of saying are praises. He tells you how good you were for him and how beautiful you are as he strokes his fingertips up and down your arms, lulling you into serene peace.
B=Body part (their favorite body part of their partner and themself) It's hard for Anakin to pick just one body part of his. He's built like a Greek Adonis and he knows it! But when it comes down to choosing, he would say his arms. Ani has spent years training and building up every inch of his body, and every time he catches a glimpse of his chiseled physique in the mirror, he's reminded of all his hard work! His strong arms also make it very easy to pick you up OR keep you pinned down. As for his favorite body part of yours, well...Anakin's an ass man! Why? CAUSE WHY NOT?!?! Booty is soft, booty is round, booty is squishy, booty will jiggle when slapped. Booty.
C=Cum (anything to do with cum) Lets just say that Anakin likes to...see his handy work. The sight of you covered in his cum after a session is enough to get him ready to go almost immediately! He's not too picky about here he finishes, on your thighs, ass, tits. But seeing his cum on your face, dripping down your chin and landing on your breasts? That always does it for him.
D= Dirty secret (a lil' secret of theirs) He would love to see the more dominant side of you in the bedroom! It happens every now and again, but that boy REALLY wants to see you in charge! What he wouldn't give to be tied to the bed and at your mercy! His praise kink (touched on later) also comes (hehe) into play here! He really just wants to be a good boy for a change, but he's a bit too embarrassed to ask just yet.
E= Experience (How experienced are they) Anakin isn't....the best flirt out there. Knowing the painfully awkward AOTC Anakin, I sincerely doubt he was getting much. His cockiness and confidence (Or overabundance there of) tend to make him appear much more experienced than he is. He is, however, a quick learner.
F=Favorite position (Come on, you can figure this one out!) It's between missionary and doggy style. He loves being able to see your face, to have access to every inch of your body, to hold you as close as he possibly can. But there's also something about doggy that hits different! The sound of your muffled moans filling the room, the way you meet his thrusts, the way he can hit so far inside you! So yeah, they tie for favorite position.
G=Goofy (Are they more serious or do they like some humor in the bedroom?) Most of the time he takes it pretty seriously and tries to set a certain mood. But there are times where he's balls deep inside you and he cracks a lame flirtatious line and you can't help but burst out laughing.
"No, no, I'm sorry Ani!" You say between fits of giggles. "It was sweet really!"
He rolls his eyes. "Last time I ever try to be sweet to you." He says before shooting you a smirk and continuing on.
H= Hair (how well groomed do they keep it) Ani isn't necessarily a neat freak or anything but he keeps it manageable, mostly for your sake. There are times where keeping up with it falls to the wayside, like during long missions, but he always makes an effort for you.
I= Intimacy (How romantic are they) Again, it depends on the mood. Soft sensual sex? Yep! He's a total romantic sap. Rough hard sex? A little less so but you KNOW he is gonna shower you with love and affection afterwards!
J= Jack off (Their feelings about ~alone~ time) For Anakin masturbation is more something to get over with than something he actually wants to do. He would always prefer your hand to his but with a war on there isn't always time. He would make an opportunity out of it to send you cheeky holo pics though!
K=Kinks (some of their kinks) *grabs megaphone so you can hear me in the back of the room* PRAISE KINK BITCHES! This boi just wants to know he's doing good! He wants to know he's making you feel good and to be loved and praised! And it goes both ways! As I've said before he is big on praising you! There is also definitely a master kink in there! Ani hasn't had a ton of control over his life, it makes sense that he likes some control in the bedroom. He is however down to be submissive!
L=Location (Where do they like to do the do?) Anakin tends to be a little risky with the choice of location sometimes. Obviously the both of you know and understand how important the secrecy of the relationship is, but Anakin finds it frustrating that he cant let the world know your his. There can't be any hand holding or going out together, no gentle touches in front of others. So instead, he'll settle for locations that are... less than private. The utility closet of the Jedi temple, the back seat of a speeder, the pilot's seat of his favorite fighter??? It's the closest he can get to declaring his love for you publicly.
M=Motivation (What gets them going? Also am I the only person who instantly thinks of that Normani song? No? Just me?) SOOO many things get this guy going! Theres the obvious seeing you after a long mission, but also seeing you act all innocent when you've been teasing him all day? Whew! Seeing you concentrated on something also makes his heart swell. Observing the way your brows knit together in concentration or the way you can see the wheels turning behind your eyes to solve a problem. It always reminds him of why he fell in love with ya in the first place.
N=No (What would they never do) It's well known that Anakin can be a little...possessive sometimes. It's never much of an issue but he wouldn't be too happy about sharing you. Threesomes are kinda out of the question.
O=Oral (preference on giving or receiving, skill, all that jazz) MAN. FUCKIN. WORSHIPS. YOU! He is a giver all the way all he wants to do is please you and make you feel good. We all saw this man in AOTC, we all saw the way he would literally do anything to make the woman he loves happy! Seggsy time is no different. And of course he will never say no if you want to return the favor. It makes him weak in the knees to see you between his legs with his dick in your mouth.
P=Pace (fast, slow,anywhere in between?) Things tend to start off pretty slow and sensual at first with deep, agonizingly slow thrusts. But as things get going the both of you tend to lose a lil control and ani ends up snapping his hips into yours at breakneck speed.
Q=Quickie (their opinions on quickies) He's all for them! Theres something wonderful about the quick passionate sex, the seeing you walk out into the hall like nothing happened knowing his cum is dripping down your thighs under your dress, knowing that he made you come but he still left you wanting a bit more.
R=Risk (do they like to experiment or take risks?) You guys try to be careful but you sometimes take a little more risk than necessary when location is concerned. Now, in the bedroom, Ani is totally up for a bit of risk! But he does like a bit of routine especially when the war is so unpredictable, so you don't switch it up super often
S=Stamina (How long do they last/ how many rounds can they go?) I just know this man could last forever in bed! He is fucking JACKED! Plus we've seen how long he can go during lightsaber battles! When the two of you are reunited after a long time apart, he will quite literally go all night, dragging out your pleasure and enjoying your body till the sun rises. Most times though we will probably be good after two rounds.
T=Toys (do they have toys or know how to use 'em) Anakin doesn't have any toys nor does he know how to use them. He would be up for it if you had some but he really prefers to use his own hands on you. Having you finish because of him and him alone really inflates his ego!
U=Unfair (do they like to tease) Anakin tries to be a tease, but baby boi doesn't pull it off very well. The moment you give him puppy dog eyes and ask for something he gives it to you. He can't help it, he just wants to give you the world!
V=Volume (How loud are they) L O U D! No one grunts 'n groans like Anakin Skywalker. He truly can't help it, he always tries to muffle his noises by biting his fist or burying his face in your neck, but it's no use.
W=Wild card (random headcannon) He's a really good kisser! He has the softest, plumpest lips and he always knows exactly how to use them lol.
X=X-ray (lets take a peak inside those pants!) Alright lets do some science yall! Anakin is around like 6 foot 3 or something and super broad! On top of that, there are many a paparazzi photo of mr. Christianson in the tightest sweatpants known to mankind. Through this data I can conclude Anakin is around seven inches and a little wide, but slightly more on the long side.
Y=Yearning (sex drive/ libetio) It depends. How long it's been since you saw each other, how tired you both are, how much time you have. But under relatively normal circumstances, probably twice a week.