Day 17

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      "You will listen to me, do you understand!" His voice in my ears, i nod and lay on the bed my chest rising and falling so fast. "Take off your shorts and panties."
    My hands shaking i do as he demands of me.
  "Good girl."
      His hands sliding up my thighs as his face dips down and his mouth so close to my pussy making my body ache!
     I gasp as my eyes shoot open, "Bitch wake the fuck up we are late again!"
    I look at the time and get up quickly, "Fuck!"
  "Go get us seats please i can't sit in front of Matt today!"
  "Fuck, okay." He runs out and i jump in the shower washing up as fast as i can. God my core is still on fire, stupid fucking dreams!
    I rush to the building and into the class, i look for Windle and he shrugs his shoulders, he didn't save me a seat?! I see Matt with a backpack next to his, no, no....
    "Go get a seat, Anna." 
  "Yes, professor."
     I rush up and sit next to Matt, I put my finger up to his face.
  "Do not mess with me today." He chuckles grabbing my hand placing it on his thigh sliding it up, i try to pull my hand away but, he is so strong. I feel his very hard package, excitement fills my body quickly. Why is he doing this to me?!
    "Stop..." I whisper out, i look in his eyes, he smirks.
    "I will if you really want me too."
    I pull my hand away quickly putting my hands together and to my face closing my eyes, he doesn't know what he is doing to me and it really isn't fair. I can't take this..... I take a deep breathe as i feel him lean close to me.
   "I'm sorry, ill leave you alone for the rest of class."
    I look at him, he smirks and kisses my hand softly.
    "Why are you doing this?" 
   "Pay attention." I sigh and answer some questions get some notes down and keep my head on.
   When class ends i rush out with Windle and tell him what happened and he fucking laughs!
  "It's not funny! I don't want this Windle!"
  "Then you should tell him." 
    We walk out of the class and i see a guy passing out flyers for a party, Matt takes one and looks at me then back at the guy.
"Ill be there." He says, he looks at me with his dark eyes and walks away, Windle chuckles looking down at me. 

"So what are you doing tonight, i mean reading?"
I grab the flyer from the guy,
"I think its time i spread my wings."
I Say smirking at the flyer, Demons and Angels night.
"Wait what?! You are coming to a party?!"
Windle says excited, i smirk as the other guys come around us looking at me.
"Wait did i just hear that right?" I look at Andy and Jose.
"Yes, we are going to a party."
"Who are you going as?" I look at Jose and smirk,
"I have the perfect demon in mind." I say smirking, they smile at me as they follow me to my dorm room, i get the outfit together and look at it for a second.
"No sweaters tonight huh?" Andy asks, i shake my head,
"Nope." I go to the bathroom putting on my flowing white dress with black ink splattered on it, i put on my black beaded necklace's and a beaded choker, then a beaded headband. The boys grab me cotton balls dabbing it on my lip and neck letting it drip down to my neck a little.
"Wow, you look......" Windle stops talking as he looks at me.
"Hot!" Jose says walking in looking at me, i smirk looking at the mirror.
"Come on my fellow demons, lets get to soul taking."
They walk with me to the party, everyone running around in their costumes, of course there are girls in skimpy little devil outfits. I giggle walking in, I keep my eyes on the ground for a moment as the party quiets down a little. I look up and people are starring and smiling at me.
"Wow! You look so good!"
A girl says walking up to me, i smirk and thank her as my friends push me to walk in I walk through the people my friends pulling me to walk with them to find a spot to chill out. People taking pictures with me here and there, i can't help but, actually enjoy myself right now.
"Here take this." Andy hands me a shot.
"I don't drink..."
"You are tonight!"
"What do we live for?!"
"Getting shit faced!" Everyone yells, i giggle and take my shot, my hands on my hips feeling the burn go all the way down my chest, i cough a little.
"There you go! Doesn't it feel so good?"
"Yeah, sure!" I say laughing.
"We are going to go smoke, you want to some with us?"
"I can't i have asthma."
"Oh shit, never mind."
"No, it's fine yall go."
"Are you sure?" I nod pushing them to go outside with the potheads,
"If you need us come get us." I nod, the light dim down as the party starts to get a little crazy, lights flashing everywhere, people dancing all over each other.
My heart drops feeling that hot breathe on the back of my neck again, i take a deep breathe and close my eyes. "Chedipe, you do her great justice."
I bite my lips hearing his voice, lights flashing all around the room.
"I didn't think you would be here." His voice in my ear,
"It's a special appearance." I say breathless, he chuckles against my ear, his lip's on my ears, i bite my lip feeling his lips on my skin.
"Special for who?" I close my eyes shaking my head,
"Wouldn't you like to know." I Say moving away, i walk out to find my friends still smoking. I sigh waiting for them to finish, they look at me for a minuet.
"What are you starring at?" I ask, Jose smirks shaking his head. I turn around. Matt right in front of me.
"You didn't answer my question."
"That's because i answer to no one." I Say nervously, he smirks down at me for a moment.
"Come with me." I smirk at him,
"No." He take snatches my hand,
"Now." He demands, i follow him through the house and up the stairs. He pulls me in a room closing the door behind me. "What are we doing in here?"
I ask so nervous I'm sure he can hear my voice shake.
"How about you tell me why you listened."
I close my eyes, "I don't know why."
I feel his body close to mine, his chest against my back.
"Tell me what you want."
His voice so demanding.
"I want to know why you keep messing with me in class."
"Because you let me." I smirk opening my eyes and shake my head,
"And you like that i let you?"
I hear him chuckle, "Maybe i do."
I feel his hand try to grab mine but, i pull away from him.
"I want to leave now." I turn around looking up at him.
"You can leave." I smirk up at him,
"I wasn't asking for your permission."
I walk past him hearing him chuckle, i close the door behind me and take a deep breathe, Jesus that was so scary! I rush down stairs and find my friends doing keg stands. I shake my head and decide to leave them to have fun, i got my answers and now all I want to do is go home and sleep.
I start my walk back to my dorm room, it's a beautiful night, the stars are shinning bright and there is a cold crispness to the air that i love. I take a deep breathe before entering my dorm, this was a okay night. I go to my room and shower, i lay in my warm bed in my cold room and smirk thinking about Matt and his voice, how it makes me feel. I like it but, then again i don't.
"You left?" I read the message on Insta, i smirk.
"I did."
"I got what I wanted."
"What was that?"
"Does it matter?"
"It does." I smirk leaving the message on read, i close my eyes ready for another day in college.

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