New Cars, Street Race, Vince returns, Luke Hobbs

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3rd POV

At a house Elena is walking up the stairs she opens the door and enters in the house Elena turns the lights on and close the door she walks down the hallway put her keys on the nightstand she walks pull her gun out and puts it on another stand setting it to safety she turns and turn a lamp on takes off her patrol shirt off and put it on the chair she reaches for a belt.

But a noise got her attention Elena looks and runs to her gun but suddenly it was taken from her, and she was pressed against the wall holding her gun is Dom, Elena breaths against his hand staring at Dom who looks down he raise his gaze to Elena and take his hand off and reach for his necklace Elena breaths out of her mouth and Dom takes it off.

Dom raise and holds the necklace holds it up for Elena to see Dom looks at her and turns to leave but Elena ask "I don't understand, why come here" Dom stop walking "Why risk it all for 20 dollars' worth of silver" Dom looks at the necklace he turns to Elena and said "'Cause it's worth it" Elena stares at him Dom turns but Elena said "You should run, you know".

Dom stops "Hobbs will find you" Slowly Dom looks to Elena "You have every reason to leave, why stay" Dom sees pictures of a man on the wall he ask "Why do you" Elena looks to the pictures she said "My husband was a good police officer" She stares "An honest man" She looks back to Dom "We both grew up here".

She thinks "Two years ago he was murdered in the street, right outside our door" Dom looks to Elena "Reyes owns this favela now" She shakes her head "He gives things to people" She looks to Dom "But everything has a price" Dom listen to all this then looks up at Elena "The people here need a new start, they need to be free".

That got Dom's attention they stare at each other he looks at the gun he's holding he exhales and puts the gun down on the table begin to leave "You didn't kill those men in the train, did you" Dom turns he ask "Now why would you believe anything I would tell you" Elena stares at Dom who turns he opens the door Elena calls "Hey".

Dom stops Elena walk to the spot he was standing "Was she so special to you" Dom turns stares at Elena then said "I never thought anyone could understand how much" Elena stares at him "But you do" With that Dom turns walks out of the door and close it leaving Elena alone.


I stood next to Gisele watch Han did his run he drifts right passing camera one I turn to see him drift pass number two he goes pass three I turn to watch Han make a stop ending the course Gisele walks I walk with her Han gets out Gisele said "Close, but not enough" I look to Dom and call "Dom we need better cars than this".

Han said "C/n's right Dom, window's too small, man" I cross my arms "Only way we're gonna beat the cameras is with invisible cars" I said "And faster ones as well" Dom stops working on a car with Tego he looks to us said "And I know just where to get 'em" I raise a brow at him he close the hood to the car Dom turns "Let's take a ride, boys".

So, Dom, Brian, Han, Roman, Gisele and I all got into the van heading to the police station parks Gisele makes a turn I slide open the door Dom climb to the top with Brian, Roman, Han and I follow we jumps onto the fence to climb over it we land on the ground we run towards five Dodge Charger PPV.

We drove out of the park and went down the streets but stop at a set of lights revving up our engines Brian said "It's been a while since I've been behind the wheel of one of these" Dom said "First time I've ever been in the front seat" I chuckle at this Brian ask "Hey, Rome, what took you so long"?

I look towards Roman "I thought for sure you'd be showin' up with some chrome spinners or something" Roman laughs for a bit then stop said "Real funny" He use the Amp "I got 100,000 says I can take you all in the next quarter mile" I smirk Brian said "Yeah, your broke ass has got a hundred grand" Roman said "We pull off this job I will".

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