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HANNA MADE HER WAY TO THE STUDIO JUST LIKE THEY DECIDED. She had only one goal in mind today: get there before Derrick. For the last couple of months, there had never been a day where she arrived before Derrick. He had always been there way before her, having begun to practice again.

As soon her hands on her wristwatch turned half-past three, Hanna signed off work. She grabbed her backpack, rushing to change her clothes in the bathroom stall before running out of her office. For the first time in a while, Hanna had managed to complete all her work early, giving her more than enough time to run off to the studio.

It didn't take her long to reach the studio. In fact, due to her bolting through the streets, Hanna made it there earlier than usual. Hanna could tell that she was there far earlier than she intended with a glance of her wristwatch. A confident smile parted her lips as she grabbed the door of the studio, the sleek architecture looking just as marvelous as any other day.

Hanna ran into the studio, her gaze fixing onto Roy as she walked in. She had expected him to be here this early. Roy usually worked in the studio during the morning hours on weekdays, while Derrick took care of it during the night and on weekends.

Roy noticed Hanna far before she noticed him. He could tell that she had been in a rush to get here. Hanna's hair had been all over the place, her sleek straight hairs having been messed up in the winds of San Francisco.

"Hanna!" Roy cheered with his bright voice, "Derrick's in the same practice room as always."

Hanna froze, hearing his words.

"He's already here?"

With Roy's quick nod, Hanna's fears were confirmed. She couldn't believe him. How could he have arrived before she did? Hanna had made sure to come here as early as possible. There was no way he could already have been here.

Hanna shook her head, choosing not to believe Roy. Instead, she made her way to the practice room on the right that they always had used.

To her surprise, Derrick was already there. The second Hanna had opened the door, Derrick's blonde hair met her gaze.

Hanna rolled her eyes, throwing her backpack to the side as she closed the door. She looked straight at the blonde head.

"How are you still here earlier than me?" Hanna's eyes widened upon seeing Derrick in the practice room, stretching, "Don't you work?"

Derrick broke into a fit of laughter upon Hanna's question. He ran his hand through his blonde hair, getting up from the floor to meet Hanna's earnest eyes. He could tell with one look Hanna hadn't been joking. She really didn't know how Derrick could always be here before her. Hanna paused, still unable to figure out how Derrick did it.

Wasn't Derrick a police officer?

Derrick pressed his lips together, a wide grin sprouting with a shake of his head, "Roy takes care of it for me. We're partners, remember?"

"But still, he can't do your work every day, can he?"

"Hanna, both Roy and I specialize in the homicide section, so most of the time, we're collecting and bringing together evidence." Derrick started to explain his job to her, "If there's anything we don't get done, we can do it later in the day."


Hanna pressed her fingers across her forehead, sighing. If only she had the amount of time management Derrick had. He seemed to be able to do everything he wanted every day. Derrick came to the studio before her and still managed to get his work done. If only Hanna could do the same thing.

The number of things Hanna could do if she had any time management skills would be endless. Hanna could perfect each of her mistakes in the dances she learned. She would be able to take days off without worrying that she'd lose her job. There were so many things Hanna could do.

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