THE BLOND THIRTEEN YEAR OLD stood at the top of the stairs as he watched her enter the doors of his Manor.
Y/N Y/L/N.
That was her name.
Her parents were best friends with Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, causing her to grow up with the two Malfoy boys. Draco and Y/N were both fifteen while Orion was only thirteen.
Narcissa Malfoy knew her kids too well. She knew when they were faking their sickness and she knew when they were sad. So the witch obviously knew that both her sons had something for the beautiful {y/h/c} haired girl.
Draco was a little too obvious with his crush when they were younger.
Everytime he arrived to the Manor from hanging out with Y/N, he'd sigh with a blush on his face and tell his Mother all about his day with the girl.
However, this is what caused arguments between her sweet boys.
A six year old Orion would overhear their conversation and argue with his brother.
"And then Pansy pushed Y/N into me and she almost kissed me! On the lips!" An eight year old Draco shouted as he took a sip of his tea.
Narcissa Malfoy was sat across the boy and before she could make a comment, a loud mouth spoke. "That's a lie! Why would she kiss you?"
"Orion, that's not ni-"
"What makes you think she'd kiss you? You're just a baby."
"Draco, apol-"
"You take that back!"
"Boys! Don't upset each other."
Orion glared at his older brother, Draco doing the same. But the two didn't like to see their Mother angry, so they apologized. "Sorry Mum."
"Good. Now hug it out."
The comments about her being 'cute' soon turned into her being 'hot' the older they got and the boys were head over heels for the girl.
Orion watched Y/N interact with the adults. He wasnt one to be shy, but it seemed that his behavior would change around Y/N. "She's perfect..." he murmured to himself. Or so he thought.
"Whatcha doing?" He jumped at the sound of his brothers loud voice in his ear and held onto the railing to prevent himself from falling.
Orion turned around, dusting off his wrinkled dress shirt and curled his lip at his brother and his grinning friends. "None of your business, Draco."
"Mhm. Whatever you say, little brother."
"She's here," Theo grinned. Orion paid no attention to the boys. He was too annoyed with Draco to notice that he was looking at the floor as an attempt to hide his smile while he shook Theo off.
"Boys!" Narcissa Malfoy called from the entrance. "The Y/L/Ns are here, please join us for dinner!" she informed. The two Malfoys, Blaise, and Theo looked at each other before racing down the staircase to the table where everyone was already sat.
Draco caught sight of Y/N, sending her a shy smile before he was cut off by his little brother stealing his spot right next to her. "I was gonna sit there."
"I know."
"Well then, why would yo-"
"Draco," his Father spoke. "There's an open spot across Y/N."
Draco rolled his eyes before taking a seat, not wanting to cause a scene in front of everyone. The dinner continued with him sitting between Blaise and Theo and the adults engaging in conversation.
"May Y/N and I be excused?" Draco placed his napkin on the table before moving to the other side of the table to pull out Y/Ns chair. "There's something important out in the garden that I have to show her."
"Go right ahead," Lucius nodded his head in approval. "After all, this is something you've had prepared for awhile."
"Of course, with a help from your best mates." Blaise boasted with a grin on his face.
Draco shook his head with a laugh before taking Y/Ns hand in his, leading them out in the garden.
Orion, on the other was intrigued. What did Draco need Y/N for? "May I be excused as well? I need the bathroom."
"Go right ahead."
Orion clearly wasn't going to the bathroom. He quickly took a turn and ran to the garden. Whenever the Malfoys had Y/N over for dinner, she and Draco would leave the table early to go up to his room or the library so he didn't think anything of their disappearance. It was a friendly thing and a friendly thing onl-
This was nothing friendly.
His hands on her waist was nothing friendly. Her hands pulling him closer wasn't friendly. And their locked lips most certainly was not friendly.
"You!" Orion shouted with betrayal in his voice as he approached the two. Teenage rage filled the boy.
"Me," Draco gasped, amused. He wrapped his arms around Y/N and placed his chin on her shoulder with an innocent smile on his face.
"You foul git! You knew yet you still went after her! I can't believe you!"
The thirteen year old didn't give him a chance to respond as he had already left, stomping off to his room.
And people say I'm the dramatic one, Draco thought to himself.
"Knock knock."
"Who's there." Orion mumbled. He was in a grumpy mood, but that didn't mean he was going to ignore Y/N. After all, he had no reason to be mad at her.
"Someone who wanted to say sorry."
"Is Draco there?"
"No. If you want, I can go get hi-"
"Please don't," the boy let out a dramatic sigh. "He's done enough."
"Ok." She was stood at the door, wondering if it was a good time to allow herself in the boys room.
And it's almost like he read her mind because he soon told her to come in.
"Draco told me everything. He told me about your crush on me." Orion let out a groan before grabbing a pillow to stuff his face into. But Y/N best him to it. "Hey! Hey! It's okay. I'm not going to make fun of you." He kept the pillow in his hands but released it from his face. "I think its cute."
That earned a flustered look from him. But Orion had a question of his own. "But why him? He's...gross." he curled his lip in disgust.
"There's just something about your brother that makes me happy," she smiled at the thought of her boyfriend. "and I'm sure that one day, there'll be someone who's able to make you feel that way. Besides, you're a Malfoy. There's a ton of girls lined up to date a handsome boy like you," she nudged him as he chuckled.
"Sorry for what happened out there." He cringed as he remembered. "I probably ruined a moment."
"No worries, but you wanna know something?" She leaned in to whisper in his ear. "You've always been my favorite Malfoy."
[besides cissy ofc🙏]
The teenage boy turned red as the older girl placed a kiss on his cheek.
And in Orion's mind, that kiss on the cheek was more than friendly.
i hope that imagine was good enough for you guys to excuse the fact that i so sorry for not being so active. i got busy and had this feeling that you guys wouldn't read my stuff anymore because most ppl are out of their draco phase.
but after all the love and comments I've received over my break, I've come to realize that you guys surprisingly like my imagines. im back now and i have lots of chapters planned!! I'd love to hear your guys suggestions for imagines or new books
-wren <3
also, here are some amazing authors that post/have draco imagines:
•Draco malfoy imagines/oneshots by dracos_wifey_me
•Hopelessly Addicted (DracoxReader One Shots by DracoJunkie
•Draco Malfoy one shots by Simp4Draco1