Marshall P.O.V
Where is she?!
For five days I've been searching for her! I swear, if that putrid sack of shit touched her......
She is mine! My property! Forever! Mine!
I seethe as I fly around, searching for a glamour, a magic wall, anything at this point. I want my bunny back.
I want her in my arms. To tell her its okay. To kiss her, hug her, anything I just want her back!
I am going to rip that cat's sorry limbs off his body! How dare he touch what is mine! I will make him pay. Pay like he is burning in the fiery depths of hell.
I land in front of the tree house and growl. No sign of her. I've checked everywhere! Where the hell could they be!?
I sigh and step inside, greeted by Finn, his face the same concerned and angered expression as mine.
"When I find him, I'm going to make him suffer for touching my little sister." he huffed, running a frustrated hand through his golden hair.
"Not before I tear his soul from his body." I say smirking at the thought. I haven't thought about doing that since my childhood back in the Night'o Sphere.
I had promised myself I'd never do it again after I culled one of my friends when I got angry. I'm willing to make an exception for him though.
Cake comes from upstairs and looks at us both. "I don't need you guys being violent. We already got one mad man on the loose," she said shaking her head, "we don't need two more."
I growl and shake my head. As much as I hate to admit it, the fur-ball is right.....still would be fun though.
She continued, "Anyway, PB said that there hasn't been a sign of them. Peppermint Maid may know somethings, but she is visiting her sick cousin." she stretched her arm to reach a book on a shelf, and brought it back down.
"Why are you looking at the Book of Umbrae?" I ask.
She flipped to a page that had a silhouette of a creepy smiling cat on it. " Boris is a corrupted cheshire. Which means that it has something to do with dark magic and shadows," She explained looking for a certain paragraph, "It's been brewing in him for some time."
You read over her shoulder and see a small part of what she is reading.
"...Darkness dwells within the shadows. Searching for worthy vessels across lands. Be wary, for whoever's poor unfortunate soul is chosen, there is no escape but one. Somno consopiri sempiterno. The eternal slumber."
"The eternal slumber? What does it mean by the eternal slumber?" I ask
Cake turns and gives me a face."It means we have to kill him Marshall."
At this point, there was a tiny, and I mean microscopic, voice in my head shouting for us not to kill him. I can barely hear that voice though, because there's an even louder one saying "KILL THE DAMN CAT".
I nod, "So does the book give us an idea how to kill him or where we can find them?"
Cake shrugs and flips through the book. I then spot a page that answers our question. "It says, 'Finding the corrupted is not as hard as seemed to be. They reside in darkness, and sometimes shadows of inanimate objects. Most are attracted to childhood places that were important to them. Once found, the heart is where you must strike. The body and soul will then be purified.'"
I knew where he would be. It's the only place we went to as kids.
"I know where they are! Come on!" I say, running outside and shifting into a bat. I wait until Finn is on my back to fly off, Jake, Marcy and Cake following behind.
Please be alright Fionna!
Fionna's P.O.VI sat on the bed, hugging my knees. Boris had gone for now but he would be back. I was dressed in a long, pure white silk skirt and a separate silk top.
Five days of me being trapped here, visited often by him, and violated constantly. My thoughts weren't safe, and I was drained by sleepless nights.
"Hello my darling." That sickening voice drawled, as it's owner dragged his hand down my arm and kissed my shoulder.
I suppressed a shiver as his hand stoked my thigh. "Your skin is soft, my sweet. I would love to touch more of it." He said.
Five days of this...I'm so sick of it. I want to go home. I want Finn and Cake and Jake and Marceline. I want Marshall....
My eyes filled with tears as Boris's hand grasped my neck and his arm wrapped around my waste.
"I will not let you leave, princess. You are mine now!" He yelled flipping me over and pinned me on the bed with one of his hands holding my wrists. "I am going to enjoy this." he said darkly, his pupils now covering his entire eye in black.
His nails dug into my wrists drawing blood, as his other hand drew blood along my thigh and back. His ears and tail then turned black with a spike covering the tip, it radiated black smoke.
He then bit down on my shoulder, and I screamed out in agony. "Yes! I love your screams!" He laughed and bit down harder on my other shoulder, and then my arm.
Tears were coming out like waterfalls as I screamed for help.
He chuckled a darkly and said in a demonic voice "Only Glob can save you now."
I widened my eyes and screamed as he scratched along my inner thigh. He chuckled again as I screamed for help a final time.
There was a loud bang and the sound of the door breaking then. I saw a flash of black and red before I heard the sound of roaring, hissing and growling.
I slowly turned and fixed my blurry and wavered eyes on the sound. Marshall was pinning him on the wall across the room, looking enraged to the point on no return. His eyes completely red, all his teeth razor sharp, his big razor sharp nails digging into Boris's arms, and big black wings protruded from his back.
He roared and hissed as Boris growled and hissed back at him. I felt myself be picked up by strong familiar arms before I blacked out.
A/NLol I honestly finished this part the day I posted the previous chappy XD I just wanted to give you guys a cliff hanger! ^^ Next chappy WILL be coming out in two days for I have finished it already!
Love chi guyyyysss -30

Not That Bad ( fiolee)
FanfictionI OWN NONE OF THE CHARACTERS! She gave me a sly look and smirked "You like him, don't you Fionna?" "Cake I-I don't like Marshall like that, okay? He's just a really good friend of mine and you know it." I said nervously, crossing my arms over my ch...