As i brought the speaker end to my ear all i could hear was the sound of my mother sobbing brokenly on the other end."Y/n...are you sitting down? You might want to." She hiccuped, letting her voice shake.
"Mom? Whats going on?" I asked, feigning ignorance and concern. I didn't like making my mom cry, but this was an unfortunate side effect of my actions.
"Y-your sister...Marie. She's.." i heard her voice catch in her throat. She was stuck on the words i so desperately craved to hear.
"Marie was murdered last night!" She exclaimed, trying to catch her breath. I felt a hard shiver run down my scalp and through my spin, all the way into my toes.
"...what?" I gasped, after the pause, feigning shock.
"The police think it was an intruder or something. Oh god, my poor baby, what if it was that Ghostface killer?" She sobbed, i almost couldn't help the excited smirk on my face. I composed myself immediately and swallowed the bubble of excitement in my chest.
"Mom..calm down. I'm sure it wasn't." I said lightheartedly, trying to sooth her panic. I didn't think she'd immediately assume it was Ghostface.
Let's hope the police haven't caught on yet.
"Y/n, sweetheart, will you please come over today? I need to see you." She sniffled on the other end. All i could picture was her crying on the other end, and it hurt my heart. My poor, sweet mom. She doesn't deserve a child like me, she's too good for me.
"Y-yeah mom. I'll...I'll come by to see you later...would it be a problem if i brought someone with me? For support?" I looked at Danny, and both his eyebrows shot into his hairline as his eyes widened. The visible panic at the idea of meeting my mom was cute. I tried to stifle the little giggle into silence, and only succeeded in making my breath shake.
"Who, honey? Is it your friend from school, Jill...oh what was her name?" My mother sniffled, struggling with her thoughts as she tried to hold a conversation with me.
"Valentine. And no, not her. You've never met him." I said plainly, lowering my voice to try sounding less than pleased.
"Him? Are you seeing somebody new? Its only been a week or two since you and Joseph broke up?" She asked, confusion and worry dripping through her voice.
"Well, Joseph kind of messed up big time, remember? I'm allowed to move on at my own pace, and i wanted to get over it quickly." I sighed, my chest felt heavy. I did actually like Joseph a little, but I'm not one to dwell on emotional things like that. And there definitely were no feelings anywhere near as strong as the ones for Danny. I'm obsessed with that man. I heard my mom sigh on the other end of the phone.
"Alright then. I'd like to meet him. The more support the better right now.." her voice dripped with depression and heartache. It pained me to hurt my mother, but my sister really deserved it.
"We'll come by later." I said softly, "how's 3 sound?" I asked.
"That's fine, dear..thank you." She sniffled, and hung up the phone. I let out a puff of air as i hung up the device.
"Ohhhh...i didn't think about what this would do to my mom." I sighed, and shook my head. "Unlike most murderers my mother actually treated me well growing up, so i do love my mom. I hate hurting her." I looked at Danny, who sipped from his cup.
"Soooo...I'm meeting your mom later today?" He asked after setting his cup down.
"Yes, you are. I don't want her knowing you're staying here yet, though." He peered up at me from his cup.
"I'm staying?" He asked, looking excited. If he had a tail, I'm sure it'd be wagging like crazy.
"Yea, might as well. I like your company, and it feels alot less lonely around here." I shifted my weight on my hip, and bit the inside of my lip. Danny circled around the kitchen counter and practically floated over the floor with how quietly he took his steps as he came to embrace me.
"I just have one ground rule. Office. Off. Limits." I prodded my finger into his chest, driving the point.
"Alright, alright. I understand." He put his palms up in surrender.
"Danny, I'm serious. Please don't go in there without my permission. I'll show you what's in that room one day." I said softly, taking my finger off his chest and trailing a line up from his throat to cup his jaw.
"Dollface...I've already had the opportunity to go in there, and i didn't. I'll respect your boundaries. This is very weird for me, I'll admit, but you're the only exception to all my rules." He said, taking my chin in his fist and rubbing my bottom lip with his thumb.
"I appreciate that. And i also appreciate you being honest with me." I kissed the tip of his nose lightly and pulled him into a close embrace.
"Oh, darling..." he sighed, "I'll try not to lie to you. I see no reason to." He gently petted my face, and kissed my forehead.
"Let's go and get ready for my mom's. Time to put up appearances." I groaned.
"Dont worry dollface, this will be over soon. We wont have to keep up appearances forever."
"I know." I said, climbing the stairs to my bedroom with Danny on my heels.
"You can have one of Joseph's old shirts, that i bought for him but he never wore, to Mom's." I said as i crossed the hallway into my bedroom and strode towards my closet. I opened Joseph's side of the closet.
"What do you mean, he never wore them?" Danny asked, plopping onto my mattress.
"I bought him a bunch of nice clothes and he just, never wore them. Even for special occasions." I sighed as i rumbled with a plain black button down that looked like it would fit.
"Here, try this on." I handed him the shirt with a soft smile. He looked it over in his hands and nodded to himself.
"Thank you, darling." He stood up to peck a little kiss on my head as he pulled the shirt on over his naked shoulders, slipping it on and adjusting it till it was comfortable. It looked more made for him than it ever would have Joseph. I smiled at him as he clipped the cuffs buttons to the sleeve.
"How do i look?" He asked, smiling seductively at me. I looked his torso up and down, drinking in the slim figure the tight-fitting button down accentuated. His muscles peeked ever so slightly through the thin fabric, the sight made me want to scream. I love a man in a suit.
"You look...hmmm..." i turned away, afraid if i continued the sentence he'd pounce on me. He chuckled softly behind me, and sighed.
"I guess it'll do." He teased, and looked at himself in the mirror as i yanked a simple black dress from my side of the closet. It would be appropriate enough, i hope.
"I am not looking forward to this." I sighed and stripped my shirt off my body and pulled a bra from my cabinet. Daniel turned around and blinked at me, unexpecting to see me half naked. I raised an eyebrow at him as he did a little happy silent wiggle.
"Lovely." He said, grinning like a fool. I rolled my eyes and felt the heat flush my face, he's a dork.
"Hush. Don't make it weird." I giggled, pulling my bra on, and dress over that.
"How am i gonna make it weird? I'm just admiring my favorite piece of art." He stalked towards me, snaking an arm around my waist.
"Im no Picasso painting." I scoffed,
"No. More like a depiction of Venus." He kissed my cheek, and i giggled softly.
"Venus, huh?" I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Mmhmm." Was his only answer as he pecked at my neck and shoulder, leading a trail up my cheek.
"You're so corny." I sighed, clutching at his shirt, my knees wobbling.
"Come on...we dont wanna be late." I said softly.

Ghost of My Life
RomanceThe Ghostface killer gets a little more than he bargained for with this latest victim. Was she going to be a victim? Or was she going to join him? Bring him an end to the solo killing life?