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Year six..

Not exactly how I ever imagined it would be. I'd finally started thinking of my past self as me too, but sometimes 'she' did still feel like a completely different person. Ah well...

Oh boy.. the stares.. so many stares.

Apparently there had been an article in the Dailey Prophet about my 'freak accident' so of course, literally everyone in the school knew about it, not just the more gossipy pureblood families.. not to mention everyone in my year had pretty much been there to witness it.

Behind closed doors, Professor Dippet had actually plopped the sorting hat back on my head just out of curiosity, though I knew that a resorting was completely out of the question. To mine and everyone else's surprise though, my status in Slytherin House was merely reaffirmed.

I had been curious about that myself, to be quite honest.

Slughorn, as my Head of House had already conferred with the Headmaster and had preselected Tom Riddle as my new Tutor.

I was less than thrilled, given the fact that I highly suspected he had been the one to make my formerly bitchy self's heel snap last year. Not that I didn't deserve it, but he couldn't have possibly known that I was going to take the whole of the Department of Mysteries display down with it.

What did surprise me though was that he had accepted. Probably out of his own twisted curiosity about what he had done to me.. or maybe it was simply to keep up his 'good boy' appearances.

Either way, I didn't like how he looked at me when they'd brought him into the Headmaster's office after the feast.

All sorts of wrong..

It wasn't lost on him that I was no longer wearing heels either, and I narrowed my eyes at him when I caught him glancing at my footwear.

He, of course, acted completely oblivious.

Once we were dismissed, we walked back to the Slytherin common room in complete silence before going our separate ways to our respective dormitories.

I could have swore I felt eyes on me as I walked away, but when I turned back to look, no one was there.

I was so going to have nightmares about this later...


Author's note :

Extremely short informational chapter so I could just breeze through the start of school -




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