Soup for the Soul (Achievement #74 = 4 points)
It is simple to make a stew,
Just need simple ingredients few,
Mix them all, in a pot you boil,
Let it slowly bubble and brew.
It takes vegetables and meat,
Or it would be too thin to eat,
Likewise too in your life you need,
A family and friends you meet.
Salt of toil, pepper for conflicts,
Spices for pain that life inflicts,
Dash of sugar, for moments sweet,
Can you see our lives this depicts?
A simple stew should be made slow,
Bubbled over a gentle flame low,
Let thyme of time lend aroma,
Wait patiently as the hours flow.
It is a lesson for your life,
With happiness your days are rife,
Or quiet harmony you crave,
When enduring trouble and strife.
Achievement Hunter Vol. 4 - Summer 2021 Challenge
PoetryWelcome to our 2021 Achievement Hunter Challenge, Vol. 4. This is a brand new challenge here at the Poets Pub and it will be running through the summer, June 1st through August 31. We will be posting at least 27 different "achievements" each month...