Chapter 6- Patrol

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POV- 1st person

"Geez, how early does he get up everyday? I would've thought he would be the type of person to sleep in..."

I watched him walk into the kitchen and start looking around.

"Hey, if you don't mind me asking. Why did you wake up this early?"

"Well, I'm a pro hero. So on top of me being a teacher and waking up early as a habit, on my off days I have to patrol the city."

"Wow. So you never get a break?"

"Pretty much."

"So what does that mean for me?"

He gave me a side glance. But focused on what he was doing again.

"Either you're perceptive and you noticed that going outside can trigger a panic attack for you, or you're just curious. I'm going to assume the latter."

"But to give you your answer, I haven't decided."

"What do you mean?"

"It means I have a solution in mind, but I'm not sure if it's the smartest choice..."

I tilted my head in confusion.


I glared at nothing in particular. The question actually reminded me of a decision I hope to stray away from.

Since I'm going out on patrol for a few hours and didn't want her to come with me, I looked at Midnights, Tsukauchi, and Mic's schedules.

Midnight doesn't know about Kiyomi, so she was almost immediately ruled out. But she also has patrols and interviews so she's booked all day.

Tsukauchi is swamped with work until the evening so he didn't work either. So sadly I only have one more option.

Mic was the only person who had nightly patrols, so he would be free during the day regardless.

I silently dreaded the thought.

Mic is loud and for the most part, irresponsible. But he's met Kiyomi and knows her situation. So hopefully this time it's different. And he does have his moments where he's smarter than anyone else. Let's hope this is one of them.

Sadly though I still have to make the phone call...



"I need to make a phone call. Don't do anything stupid."

"Like I could..."

I took my phone from my pocket and walked into my room. After shutting the door I dialed Mic's number and waited for him to pick up as it rang.

"Heeyyy Shouta!" His voiced boomed on the other end.

I flinched and moved the phone away from my ear.


"Geez... So loud."

"Heh, Sorry. It's just that you never call me when you're free!"

"I'm not exactly free. I have to go on patrol later. So I have a favor to ask of you."

"What is it?"

"Can you come over and watch Kiyomi until I get back? Taking her out right now is to risky."

"Ah, makes sense. But don't you normally take on night patrols?"

"I do. But Kiyomi has nightmares and I need to be here if it gets a reaction out of here. I assumed this early so I switched my shifts."

"Smart as ever Shouta! I'll be over in an hour!"

"Thanks Mic."

A little while later, I heard the doorbell ring. And Aizawa emerged from his room and rounded the corner to answer it.

Curious, I hung over the back of the couch to watch who came into the apartment with Aizawa.

To my surprise, a familiar blondie rounded the corner, with a big grin on his face when his eyes met mine. He wore a brown leather jacket unzipped, revealing a plain white T-shirt and jeans.

"Don't be idiotic please."

"Have so faith in me Shouta! I can be responsible!" Hizashi whined, turning back to Aizawa.

He rolled his eyes. "I'm trusting you this once. I'll be back later."

"We'll see you later!"

"Bye Aizawa!" You exclaimed as you heard the door shut.

Hizashi sighed and walked into the living room.

"He can be a buzz kill sometimes..."

"So he acts this way to everyone?"

He flopped onto the couch beside you.

"Yep. Even towards his friends. But it's alright! He loves us, because if he didn't then he would've ghosted me."

"Yeah, you guys seem like total opposites..."

"We're, but enough about him. How are you holding up?"

"Oh, me? I'm doing fine!"

"How's he treating you?"

"Um... I don't think I can put a label on that quite yet."

"Huh? Why not?"

"Well, I can't describe him. He seems nice? In his own weird way..."

He looked away, clearly trying to hide the fact that he was snickering.

Eventually, after his mini-fit. He took in a deep breath and faced me again.

"You're right on that one. But he's a good guy. Trust me!" He grinned.

I smiled. "I'll take your word for it!"

"Well you should. I consider myself pretty smart!"

"But Aizawa said you can be idiotic?"

"I can be a bit brash I guess... But we don't talk about that!"

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "Ah, gotcha."

"So, what do ya wanna do?"

"What is there to do?"

"Oh. You got a point there..."

"Yeah... Not to be rude, but I pretty much have nothing to do when I'm here."

Hizashi hummed, clearly thinking of what else we could do.

A few moments later, he perked up. I assume he has an idea.

"What is it?"

He shook his head and waved off the idea.

"Nothing. Can I ask you a few questions? If you don't mind."

"Sure, what is it?"

"About your quirk. I saw what you could do. Can you do it again?"

"Um... I don't know about that..."


"If I could, I would. But it's harder than it looks. The drug that was given to me makes my quirk unstable and hard to control. So even if I did manage to activate it, who knows what it'll do."

"Ah, I see..."

I looked down at my lap. The aura of the room changed. It got a little sadder.

I could see from the corner of my eye that he was panicking.

"Ugh... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought that up! But for the record, I think you're quirk is super cool!"

"Heh, thanks Hizashi."

He sighed and grinned at me. But this time, it was different.

I can't describe it. But it seemed more- devious?

I focused on his aura. It was a faint gray.

"Ah... I see."

"You're up to something aren't you?"

"Huh? What- why would you think that? Haha..."

"I have my ways. C'mon I wanna know."

"Well, I did have a thought earlier."

"What is it?"

His face lit up.

"Let's go out into town!"

"Huh? Why?"

"Because you seem so depressed being cooped up in here! And we won't be long! I wanna show you a place, you up for it?"

"I dunno... It's a nice thought, but it may be-"

"10 minutes, that's all I need. We will be back in here in 10 minutes. Please?"

I stared at him with doubt in my gaze before sighing in defeat.

"Okay... I'm in."

"Yeeaah!! You're gonna love it!"

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