You shove your face into shaky your hands, leaning your elbows on your knees, crying into you hands. This is what you were trying to hide from everyone, and you were doing so good for about 3-4 weeks. But it was just clearly represented in front of Katsuki, probably the least understanding person that is part of your class.You try to muffle your cries in your hands, then the feeling of warmth of someone's hand on your shoulder catches your attention. You look up to see Katsuki's hand placed on your shoulder, he doesn't look at you. It seems he's trying to avoid eye contact as much as possible, so he just looks out the window, but he does it out of a sign of comfort.
"Bakugo I'm so s-sorry."
You finally reach his house, your eyes widen to see his huge sand colored home. It was littered with large windows and big brown fence that wraps around the house with a entrance to the big brown door. "You're rich?.." You question, your eyes frozen on the big house. "No honey we are not rich, we are just pretty wealthy." Mitsuki chuckles, stepping out the car and to the trunk to grab the groceries.
Katsuki takes his hand off your shoulder, stepping out of the car to help with the bags. You step out as well. "Do you need any help?" You ask. "No it's okay! Just follow us into the house." Mitsuki replys, then proceeding to follow them you admire the very nice, well decorated home.
"You guys go hang out while I cook dinner" Mitsuki says, placing the bags on the kitchen counter.
Katsuki walks to the stairs, signalling for you to follow him, so you do. Jog up the steps behind Katsuki. When you reach the top there's a lounge type area in front of you, and a hall way of doors. He leads you to the room on the far left. Your eyes wonder around the large room. There is a twin sized bed with black sheets, blanket and pillows with explosion patterns scattered on the pillow cases on the right side of his room, pushed against the wall. A small couch on the left side closest to the door, and tv mounted to the wall across from the couch. A Nintendo Switch and Xbox is placed on the large brown dresser below the tv. Posters hung around all over his walls, different bands and some really nice drawings, that your guessing he did himself. A small desk covered in papers and pens, along with a guitar hung up on the wall.
"Your room is really nice." You say, sitting on the couch. "Thanks." He answers, laying down on his bed. It's awkward as the room goes silent, you fidget with your fingers as Katsuki stares at his ceiling, his hands behind his head.
"So is that why you wouldn't hang out with the squad, and pushed them away? Because of your fucking mom?"
You stay silent, knowing that he figured it all out. The silence that comes from you causes him to glance at your stiff form, he can tell that you're still upset by the way your shoulders are tensed up and your fists are clenched. Digging your nails into your already scratched up palms, without him knowing, you keep your head down out of shame.
"Hey, your knees and hands are still scratched up and bloody, you should treat them." He says, sitting up, trying to change the subject. He then walks out of the room and comes back with a first aid kit and hands it to you.
You pour some hydrogen peroxide onto a cotton pad and gently pat it on one of your knees, barley touching your wound, because it hurts.
"Tch, you're half assing it, let me do it." He grunts, walking over and crouching in front of you. He takes the bottle from your hand and a new cotton pad. Completely soaking it and pressed it against your knee. You gasp at the pain, shoving your head into your hands, gripping your hair.
He puts his hand out in front of your face, you looking up at him with a confused look. "Squeeze my hand." He looks at you, "What?" You reply. "I said squeeze my hand idiot, since it hurts." He snarls, "I don't need to, that's stupid."
He glares at you, putting the cotton pad back on your knee, harder this time. He doesn't break eye contact, making you gasp, immediately reaching for his hand and squeezing it tightly.
He finishes cleaning both of your knees with one hand as you grasp onto the other. Then wrapping gauze around your knees and pinning it with a clip. He then reaches for your hands, them being scratched up and bloody from trying to catch yourself, from the fall. But there is now fresh blood on your palms, from digging your nails into your skin. Basically the whole car ride, and when he questioned you.
He gives you a confused look when you pulled your hands away from him, refusing to let him see the nail marks on your palms. "What's wrong? Give me your hands." He demands, grabbing your wrist and looking at your palms. You immediately look away, ashamed. You don't want to see his reaction. His eyes widen, then sighing, carefully tracing the nail marks on your palms with his thumb.
As he cleans your palms you slyly glance at him, his face is calm but he holds into hurt in his eyes. He tightly wraps gauze around your palms as well, then locking eyes with you as you remain staring it him. You hold eye contact as he's kneeled in front of you. "FOOD IS READY!" Mitsuki shouts from downstairs, "COMING HAG!" He yells back. You jump at the unexpected shouting, quickly grabbing Katsuki's hand out of fear. Before realizing that it's not your mother yelling.
"Are you okay?" He squeezes your hand back gently, another sign of comfort. "Uhm, yes."Your face heats up out of embarrassment before you let go and stand up. Katsuki stands up as well, leading you down stairs to the dinner table.
"I see you're all patched up, that's good!" Mitsuki says, smiling at you kindly. You sit down and Katsuki sits across from you, Masaru sits beside Katsuki and Mitsuki beside you. "So here's the plan, I'll wake you kiddos up at the usual time Katsuki wakes up. You kids can get ready, and I'll drop you guys off at school." Mitsuki announced, then eating some rice.
"I don't have my uniform..."
"Shit." Katsuki breathes.
You close your eyes and cover your ears, as they continue to yell. You're used to it, but it still scares you when adults yell. Though you don't care when it's people your age, like Katsuki to be specific. As you sit there with your hands cupped over your ears, their muffled yells stop you slowly open your eyes, seeing everyone's eyes now on you. "Oh sweetheart, i'm so sorry." Mitsuki frowns, grabbing your wrist gently to bring it down, so you can hear her speak.
"Oh it's okay! I'm used to it." You reply before eating some curry. It stays silent after your statement, "What about her uniform?" Katsuki asks. Mitsuki sighs as she thinks about what to do. "I can just go back home after dinner, I'm sure my mom will let me back in, she's probably calmed down by now."
"Absolutely not," Mitsuki states sternly, "We can maybe go pick it up after dinner, at least we will be there and prepared just in case something happens again."
"I don't want to put you guys through that again."
"Honey no, it's not your fault, don't worry."
You all finish your food.
You slip on your runners and follow Katsuki and Mitsuki outside. It's beginning to get dark out, the sky a light shade of purple and the Japan Summer wind hits your face as you walk to the car. You are scared, you're really scared. Not for you, you don't care about youself, but for Katsuki and his mom. You can't believe you brought them both into this, you feel horrible."I can't believe I dragged you two into this..." You mumble, looking down.
"Sweetheart you didn't drag us into anything. You have obviously been going through this for a while and I'm here to help you now, and so is Katsuki." She says keeping her eyes on the road, but glancing at you through the rearview mirror.
You finally pull up to your house, You look up hesitantly, dreading to see your house in view.
"Katsuki go with her, I'll be here just in case, but you're stronger than me."
You step out the car, jogging up the cement stairs, Katsuki behind you. You knock on the door, but no one answers. You scoff, crouching down to peek under the mat, to see if the extra key is still there. When you see the shiny gold object you grab it immediately. You Unlocked the door and stepped in, turning around to face Katsuki. "Just stay here, I'll be right back." You whisper, closing the door. Quietly, you creep to to look over the corner, your mom passed out, good. You don't want more troubles.
You quietly walk up the stairs, scared at the thought of her waking up. You reach your room and grab your backpack, shoving your uniform and some morning essentials in before walking to the bathroom to grab your toothbrush, hairbrush and mascara.
Creeping down the stairs, you hear rattling coming from the living room. "Shit." You whisper, grabbing your uniform shoes and running out the door. A breath of relief coming form your mouth. Katsuki's expression turns confused and somewhat concerned as he sees you quickly slip out the door. "Everything alright?" He asks sternly. "Yes, everything's fine." You answer, locking the door and slipping the key under the dirty mat.