Invisible String

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Happy Sunday! Enjoy this little half filler half plot thing I made!

This chapter is dedicated to EmRose2203 You're the best!
She woke to Doc pawing at her and licking her face. She pushed him away and wiped the slobber off so that she could check the time. It was 5:55 in the morning. She groaned and fell back onto her pillows with her arm shielding her face from Doc's kisses.

It was a Saturday and it was her dad's day to walk him. She thought she was going to get to sleep in. Apparently Doc had other plans.

He was hanging out with her in her room last night and he ended up sleeping beside her bed instead of outside in his own bed. She was trying her best to ignore his whining and nudging, desperate for a few more seconds of sleep, but the nagging voice in her head that was telling her that if she didn't take him out he was probably going to pee or poop in her room kept her awake. She opened one eye to take a peek at his big round eyes pleading with her and that was it. She groaned once more, slamming a pillow onto her face, before finally getting up.

Doc was elated when she did, excitedly weaving through her legs and wagging his tail. She put her bed in order before hastily pulling her unbrushed hair into a ponytail. She was going to shower after the walk, it was fine. She made a face at Doc as she moved to grab a pair of yoga pants from her dresser. She didn't think it would be appropriate- to her neighbors and in regards to the temperature- to walk her dog in her pajama set. She kept the tank top on because she was going to wear a jacket over it anyway so it didn't really matter. Also, she didn't want any unsolicited attention this early in the morning from any strange men that felt the need to comment on a young girl in shorts; she didn't want that kind of attention at any time of the day but that's besides the point.

She made sure to stay quiet as they walked to the front door so she wouldn't disturb her most probably still sleeping parents. Her dad especially. He was stuck in a really long surgery last night. She went to bed at around 12:30 and he still wasn't home then so who knows what hour he actually got in he must be exhausted.

It's with that reminder that she suddenly didn't mind being the one to take Doc out even when it wasn't her turn. Her dad needs his rest and he wasn't going to get any by taking the dog out at 6 in the morning for a walk..

She slipped on her shoes, attached Doc's leash, and zipped up her jacket before opening the door carefully. She closed the door with the same amount of gentleness, mindful of how loud it usually was when it clicked close.

"Ok buddy, let's go get you sorted huh?" she scratched him behind his ears as he panted with his tongue hanging out, clearly excited for his daily walk. "Then when we get back, I'm going straight back to bed."

They were halfway down the steps when she spotted a blonde head with the hairs pulled back into a low ponytail standing in their driveway. She had her back to Stacey but her petite frame that was clad in a forest green windbreaker was eerily familiar and she couldn't stop herself from calling out to her as they descended.

"M-meredith? Is that you?"

She whipped around at the sound and lo and behold, there stood the infamous blonde intern. Doc barked in delight and ran the rest of the way down to greet her. She was wide-eyed in surprise when she saw Stacey that she was slightly taken aback by the weight of Doc when he jumped on her.

"Uhm, good morning? What are you doing here so early?" Stacey asked as she wrapped her arms around herself.

Meredith looked up at her from where she was petting Doc and Stacey swore that she saw a flash of panic in the blonde's green eyes. She opened her mouth as if to answer before closing it and clearing her throat instead.

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