Chapter 9

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Today, I'll be having a visit to one of Madrid's prominent school which I'm giving scholarships to the aspiring students. I also have charity works to deal with that are focusing with Art Exhibits and Historical Museums around Europe.

"May we call on Mr. Alejandro Yilmaz for his message to everyone. Sir?" she acknowledged me and I immediately stood up in my chair and walked right through the Podium and flashed a smile to the students and school staff watching.

This announcer gave me the mic and still managed to caress my hands as if she was trying to catch my attention. I stared at her blankly for a second and faced the crowd.

"Life's hard. Education is our biggest asset to success. When we prioritize our goals and makes use of valuable resources and strive hard, it will still not be easy but it will make a big change. It is indeed Education's purpose to teach an empty mind to become an open one, when we devote ourselves to learn not just the school subjects itself, but also the importance of life lessons, this will lead us to a better life and a successful path."

I looked in each faces of the students who were smiling while listening to me as I deliver my impromptu speech. I didn't prepared for this.

"Me, for example, I've never really realized how valuable it is to have the privilege of going to school without worrying about financial capabilities and such difficulties in coping with the lessons either minor or major. But now, I'm proud to say that I've finished 3 Business Degrees at the age of 29." I smiled and stared at the girl who raised her hand after I spoke. She's preferably at the age of 17 the way she dresses.

"Excuse me Sir!" she shouted and I smiled and gave her the moment to talk. She was all smiling and fixed her hair and clothes before voicing out her concern.

"You're 29 years old already, are you married?" she asked and it made the others laugh at her hilarious question. I grinned and tilted my head back and forth. Kids these days.

"I'm not." I answered and continued delivering my speech. "Anyway, all I wanna say is study wise everybody. Have fun as you go through trials and errors, this will shape you to become the best. Who knows? Anybody might be as successful as me." I finally finished and the crowd clapped while I gave back the mic to the announcer and shaked hands with the School Administration officials.

After the small program, we proceeded to the Private Hall and ate lunch. They were all talking Bout the budgeting of the School Apparatuses because they will make a new Science and Computer Laboratory. I volunteered myself to fund the projects.

"My office will contact the Chairman of the School and will discuss the overall expenses of the project." I spoke. "Also, the girl who asked that hilarious question earlier, inform her that she'll be under Yilmaz's scholarship. I like her attitude." I mentioned and made them speechless. I mean, what's wrong? I just think that girl's awesome for being brave.

"Thank you so much for your help Mr. Yilmaz, we truly appreciate your goodness to our Institution, without your help we would be having a problem in raising funds for the construction." the chairman of the school spoke in gratitude, with his thick spanish accent, I just nodded and smiled.

"I will do anything in my capability to help. Just let me know." I finished eating and immediately left the place. There will be an Art Exhibit of which I'm invited to.

Magugustuhan mo rin ang


The Art Exhibit was not too far from the School, it was just a 10-minute drive and I purposely came early so I'd be the one to first check the paintings. Somehow, I love paintings as well. They are beautiful and uniquely painted that are inspired with such heart-warming messages.

I parked the car and stepped inside the building. From there, paintings greeted me and my expressions were predictable as I glanced at the paintings. Beautiful.

"The paintings are beautiful isn't it?" I flinched when a womab spoke by my side and flashed a smile in mesmerizing manner, there were sparkles in her eyes while looking after the arts.

I let out a deep sigh and replied to her statement. "Yes these are beautifully painted, it gives me a sense of bizarre ideas as I digest the message lying behind these work of art." my hands were placed in the back and sniffed the cozy atmosphere inside the Art Collection Building.

"This painting, for example. This was made by Ms. Tiu, the message in this painting implies that no matter how hard it is to accept defeat, we should always look at the brighter side and try our luck again." while pointing at the upper-right painting and I focused my eyes on it and realized how the image depicted such a good message for everybody to know.

I stared at the middle-aged lady who then walked right next to the painting with such black nad white colors in it. I wonder what message could it give and why it is significant for everyone to be aware about.

"This painting is made by Sarah Ortega, she started painting at age 4 and all the dark miseries of her life was painted in this very fine board." she further explained and held the painting for seconds. Nothing is impossible when you paint your brilliant ideas and discern it to the world.

I walked behind her trying to follow her steps who were walking to the next painting. She helped me understand what these paintings implied and I'm astounded with the creativity they exerted much as they made these piece of art.

"I won't forget this painting, the artist was rejected to a painting event for being less fortunate and so he painted this on his own and later on won many prizes for the creativity and uniqueness. Many people noticed how good he was in the field of painting and gave him the chance to exhibit this Art here." she uttered in a teary-eyed state, it was like the painting was close to her heart or something. As I looked and examined the painting, it is in no doubt, exquisite.

"May I know who's the artist?" I asked behind her and she wiped her tears before facing my direction and answered. I closedly viewed the painting again and went back my gaze to her as I was expecting her answer.

"My husband." she said which stunned me. That's the reason why she's very emotional at the moment, her husband painted this with pain in his heart. What a nice work! "His name is Charles David." she specifically mentioned her husband's name and smiled. Well, her husband deserves more. I can see how he loves Art and he shouldn't be deprived by such opportunity to bloom his talent.

"Your husband did an amazing job. Let's hope for his good future, then." I pat her shoulders and walked to the staff's direction for assistance.

"He did. But he died." she spoke and I stopped walking and faced her. That sad news bewildered me, this must be so hard for her. She treasures her husband's work of art as those are the only memory she could cling on as she continues her life without him. The woman wiped her tears off while sobbing. "Him and our children died in a car accident." the were words was too painful to hear coming from a bereaved mother and wife. Unintentionally, it felt like a knife stabbed at my heart while I stared at her.

YILMAZ [TDH - II] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon