Chapter 6

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Annie: Uh Sam I have to go ~I walked past Sam as Kenzie turned and hurried away. I caught her and made her look at me~ H..Hey Kenz.

Kenzie: What do you want.

Annie: ~Ouch~ Just to talk to my best friend.

Kenzie: Isn't Sam your new best friend?

Annie: What? No. ~Why was she treating me like this~ Kenz whats wrong?

Kenzie: Annie you've changed.

Annie: Changed? What do you mean?

Kenzie: You never have time anymore last night you cancelled our plans.

Annie: Kenzie I have to babysit, I would have never taken the job if you didn't want me too.

Kenzie: Annie you had the opportunity to hang with the cool kids and you took it. Ditching me!

Annie: ~I did stop going to lunch with Kenzie but not because of Sam. I had to keep my grades up so I went to the library to study~ Kenzie I didn't- ~I cut myself off when she turned around. I grabbed her arm which didn't make her happy~

Kenzie: What the hell are you doing! Don't touch me!

Sam: Hey Hey Hey

Annie: ~Sam stood inbetween Kenzie and I. He looked at me and I looked away seeing that people were already staring at us~

Sam: Whats going on? Is everything okay love?

Annie: ~I just nodded but he didn't seem to buy it as he looked at Kenzie~

Sam: What happened?

Annie: ~I glanced at Kenzie as she rolled her eyes and shook her head. Without saying anything she left, I was holding back tears as Sam gently grabbed my hand and led me outside and under the bleachers. He sat down and pulled me into a hug where I started crying into his chest. It may sound stupid but a best friend fight is worse than a couples fight. I've known Kenzie my whole life.. Now what~


Annie: ~After a long cry, I stopped and looked up at Sam who looked at me, he cupped my cheek in his warm hand making me look into his hazel eyes~

Sam: Are you okay??

Annie: ~In his voice you could tell he wanted to cry too. I weakly smiled at him~ She didn't hit me so.. Yeah I'm okay.

Sam: I can tell

Annie: ~He knew I was just saying that. I grabbed his wrists as he held my face in his hands we sat there in silence looking into each others eyes.~

Sam: Annie..

Annie: Sam?.. ~I looked at him confused but he leaned in and I didn't stop him. I wanted to stop well thats what I keep telling myself but as his soft warm lips came into contact with mine I couldn't help but close my eyes and kiss him back. I found myself tangling my fingers through his blond hair. Deepening the kiss as he held me tighter. We both pulled away out of breath and just looking at each other~ Oh no. ~I looked at him his eyes filled with terror~

Sam: I'm sorry, I just- I thought- Was I bad?

Annie: No. No its not that.. Sam I need to go ~I got up but he held my hands~

Sam: Annie maybe you should just skip classes today.

Annie: My mom would kill me Sam!

Sam: Your mom doesn't have to know.

Annie: ~I didn't protest as he took me to the bike. Neither of us said anything about the kiss as we got to his house. He followed me to my room~

Sam: Hey I'll go get you some food.

Annie: ~Before he left I lightly brushed my fingers against his. He looked at me surprised~ Thanks. For everything.

Sam: *smiles* You're welcome love

Annie: ~He ruffled my hair and winked as he left, closing the door behind him~


Annie: ~The rest of the day went by as nothing intresting happened. Johnny insisted on eating in his room and I let him since I was too tired. That was the only time I saw him that day. After dinner I talked to my mom and then I got ready for bed. Hours later I turned to my side it was 2 and I was having a hard time sleeping. Sighing I closed my eyes then I heard the door. Shit I forgot to lock the fucking door. Well I'm fucking dead. I hear quiet shuffles and then the door closing quietly. Soon a hand was placed on my shoulder. Okay now I'm dead. I turned to be face to face with Johnny~

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