Chapter 75 (Edited)

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Cobra watched the ladle spin around in the soup pot, flicking his eyes to whatever direction it went. Laxus leaned in close to him which broke his attention.

"Yes?" he asked, raising a brow. He already knew what the question was but might as well let the lightning dragon get it out of his system now.

"Can you hear who's winning?" he asked, leaning his chin on the palm of his hand. Cobra huffed.

"I could but I'm not. Leaving it a surprise." he waved his hand towards Laxus to dismiss him.

"Oh that's right. You have really good hearing don't you." Lisanna turned to look at him, twisting some hair around her finger.

"Yes." He spoke dryly, staring at the white haired mage in front of him. He didn't want the conversation to revolve around his magic. Lisanna at least got the message and turned to Laxus.

"So Laxus, how do you feel about Freed not making it to the second round. I know you two had a thing going on." she spoke. Laxus blinked at her.

"I didn't have a thing with Freed. What are you talking about?" he asked, looking over to Mira with a raised brow.

"Is this your idea. Just cause you're getting all bothered under the collar about Ever and Elfman doesn't mean I had anything to do with Freed." Laxus objected, moving his arms around sporadically. Mira lifted one hand to her mouth.

"You weren't. I just thought... Since Freed was head over heels for you until the Fantasia parade and then he seemed a little guarded for a while that you had a pretty bad break up before going after Gajeel." Mira turned her gaze back to the soup.

"Freed went on a date with Totomaru." Cobra pipped up, turning his attention to the table. Mira seemed to pipe up with excitement.

"Really? Oh they sound like they'd make such a cute couple." she cheered.

"I don't really know much about Totomaru, I never met him in Edolus." Lisanna muttered.

"Juvia knows the most about him. They are childhood friends." Cobra pointed to the distracted water mage. Lisanna turned to her.

"Juvia you have to tell me what Totomaru is like. Would he be a good boyfriend for Freed?" she asked, tapping Juvia's shoulder. She snapped out of her daydream and turned to Lisanna, blinking a couple times before registering what had been asked of her.

"Juvia knows Totomaru is a nice guy. He's like a brother to Juvia. Both Gajeel and Totomaru are older than Juvia, even if Juvia is only a year younger than Totomaru." she crossed her arms, thoughts of teasing from the two boys flickering through her head.

"Oh. Wait, how old are the three of you?" Mira asked, looking over her shoulder.

"Well Juvia is 17 but she's almost 18. Totomaru turned 18 this year and Gajeel is 20. Juvia isn't entirely sure when Gajeel's birthday is, he only ever says its in 'the cold season' but he'll be 21 at some point in the next couple of months." Juvia explained.

"Wait Gajeel will be 21 soon. Shit, I didn't know his birthday was so close." Laxus hissed under his breath. Juvia shook her head.

"Gajeel never celebrates his own birthday but he always treats Juvia and Totomaru really well on ours. Totomaru's sword was from Gajeel on his birthday." The water mage stared at the table. Mira giggled.

"Maybe that's why Gajeel acts so protective of the two of you. He's the oldest. As a big sister I would know." she pointed the ladle at Juvia.

"What about the dragon slayers? He's protective of them too." Lisanna gestured to Cobra and Laxus.

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