7. The Break Up

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Ma calling....

"Son, are you okay?"

"Y—yes ma.." Zhehan picks up the phone with a heavy heart, still holding on to his tears.

"Son.. just coming home.. " His Ma voice very soft, making him more guilty than ever.

"I—Yes.. I will.. when all of its cooldown ma..", he covers his face with her hands.

"Son,, take care,, all of this will pass"

His mom already ended the call but Zhang Zhehan tears start coming out like a downpour.

"I'm sorry...... I failed you ma..."


GongJun packing his things in his backpack. He is rushed and just throws whatever into his backpack. He is angry, sad, and worry. Whoever did this must pay heavily. Fuck them play and destroyed someone's life. He enters his mad dog mode. He is ready to go.

"GongJun, you can't go! You still have scene this evening" His manager stopping him

"Dage.. he is destroyed. I must stay by his side. I don't care." His eyes trembling in anger.

"Jun, you can't go! Big Boss is coming"

"I told you I DON'T CARE" Gongjun mad.

"Just go and I'm sure he'll be crushed more than this.."

A deep and heavy voice coming from the front door. An old man with grey hair, mustache wearing a grey suit, and deep red tie walking in GongJun direction.

"Old man... i.." GongJun feels helpless, this situation is not good at all.

"Trust me boy, this matter is not your business at all. I come here to pressure you to let go of him in public. So you are not get dragged in this matter, save your career" his sharp gaze following GongJun face.

"NO! I WILL NEVER! DON'T TRY ME!" GongJun face hardened so does his grip and every vein in his body.

That old man takes a deep breath.

"I know you will never agreed" Gongjun face softened a little.

"That's why I want you to break up with him, not publicly but internally"

GongJun is ready to bark again, but before he has a chance.

"If you are still pigheaded, I assure you he will destroyed completely, not only him but his family too"

GongJun feels his soul leave his body completely.

"Boy, I warned you, save yourself first, then, maybe you can save him if a chance comes up. But now all is a mess. Don't you ever try"

"Old man.. i.." GongJun teared up with his broken voice.

"Don't try to pretend boy, they will know. For now cut your ties, if it's not for you at least do it for him"

"Fuck Fuck Fuck". Gongjun throws his backpack to the floor. Frustrated.

"This is not your battle. They are not opponents at your level. I can't save you both. The damage for him is already done."

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