Part 9

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Fast forward to Sunday 9 at jesse's house.
You are wearing:

You are all having drinks, dancing and having loads of fun

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You are all having drinks, dancing and having loads of fun.
Ben: hey guys should we play truth or dareeee?!
Y/n: omg yess!
Jude: mason truth or dare?
Mason: mmmmhhh truth
Harry m: I DaRe You To KiSS y/n!!! (Drunk)
Mason: eww no wtf she's my sister. I'm not doing that'
Harry m: OHh YEh IfoROt BouT ThaT MATe!
Y/n: I'll be back in a min I'm just going to get a drink

(One thing before it happens, dec also didn't know about the situation just like Mase. He's like another brother to you and would 100% tell you before it got to this)

Jesse: phil don't you think you have taken this way to far. Moving in with her! Seriously
Mason: what are you going on about
Jesse: phil has something he needs to tell your sister, a pretty big something.
Mason: phil what do you need to tell her. What does Jesse mean 'taken it too far'?
Y/n: ok I'm back
Mason: phil has something to tell you y/n.
Y/n: phil?
Jesse: phil tell her or I wil!
Phil: y/n it's not-
Jesse: phil truth or dare
Phil: Jesse I'm not doing this
Jesse: ohh good you picked dare anyone know a good dare for Phil?!
Mason: yeh I do, what don't I know that everyone else does and what do you need to tell y/n
Phil: that's 2
Jesse: Jesus Christ phil you have really got to tell her but you won't so I will.

(Jesse gets out his phone and shoes you a video from when you first played truth or dare)

*the video
Jesse: hey y/n, truth or dare?
Y/n: dare
Jessie: I dare you to make out with Phil
(You and Phil both slowly stand up and get inches away from each other)
Phil: we don't have to do this
(You lean in but before you kissed you said)
Y/n: this is just a stupid little game
(Then you walked out)
Jordan h: ohhh phil just got rejectedddd
Phil: you lot really have no faith in me do you? Here's my new dare, make the girl fall in love with me and then I'll just..leave

*end of video
(Your eyes start to water)
(Mason starts to get raged)
Phil: y/n please this was before everything and before I spent time with you. (Watery eyes too)
Y/n: is this true? And you lot knew?
(You run out as quick as you can and sit in the pavement in the rain)
Phil: Mason, that was before everything
Mason: I don't even know where to start with you phil, and the rest of you; your fucking unbelievable.
(Mason runs out shouting your name)
(He finds you in the pavement crying your eyes out)
Y/n: Mase it was all a game
Mase: I know y/n and I am so sorry that that happened I promise I will show him what he did wrong
Y/n: he literally played me, the worst thing is.. I believed it. For a while 7 months.
(Mase pulled you in for a really tight hud and started getting teary but wanted to stay strong for you
Y/n: mase, I- I loved him and I thought that he loved me too
Mase: y/n.. omg your freezing. Come on let's go home and then we will talk about this more properly.


I just want to say. This is nowhere near the end. There is another path where this story will go and I think you will really enjoy it. Even just weighting the plan of this story I was getting excited for this to all come together!!!

P.S. this week I have school every other day because it's a weird thing my school does the first week back but then we go to 5 days a week. I will try to post as much as I can but I have to study for my GCSEs so it will just be up to my time management. Thank you for reading

Hope you are enjoying it so far

Mason Mount's sister x Phil Foden Where stories live. Discover now