Chapter 2 Well Done Son

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Harry was waiting nervously for news on Ginny she was in labour and was giving birth to his son, he sat in a blue chair shaking his leg it's a thing he always did when he got nervous he was scared, he didn't know how to be a father he wish he knew he was sure that his dad will give him some good advice and his mother will say don't worry. But he would never know because voldemort took that from him for years Harry blamed his self he thought that his parents died because of him evey death he felt like it was his fault he never wanted anyone to die for him, he called Mr Weasley  telling him that his daughter was in labour he said he was on his way and he will get Ron and Hermonie


(Harry) my head shot up when I heard a  baby cry I felt tears of joy in my eyes I was happy I stood up walking to the door opening it walking in my heart melted when I saw Ginny holding a tiny human being

(Ginny) i smile with tears running down my face it's a boy Harry leand down and kissed my lips "his...... His beautiful" he said his voice filled with emotion I handed our son carefully to him in his arms

(Harry) I looked at his tiny face and his tiny hands wich held my finger I kissed his forhead sobbing a little "Congratulations dear" Mrs Wealsy said I smile, thank...... Thank you

(Hours later)

The baby was taken to the nursery were all of the other baby's where, when Ginny was resting Harry went to go and see his son he. Stood. Outside the big glass window he already knew which baby was his because it said potter which was right at the bottom, of the cot "Potter" Harry turned

(Harry) Malfoy I said in, shock what you doing here?

(Malfoy) came. To see my, son I say pointing at the glass

(Harry) I looked and smiled congratulations I said he smiled it stood silent before he spoke

(Malfoy) I'm sorry...... How I was when we was. In school I was young and thought I had to do it to make my mother and farther proud of me well more my farther, when all what I wanted  was to be friends I looked at him I do hope we can?

(Harry) I smile nodding i understand that will, be good I say he nods waking away I smile looking back at the glass, in shock I walked into the room mum,, dad? Why are you here?

(James) we didn't want to miss the birth of our first grandchild I smile

(Harry) I walked to the cot

(lily) I remember when you was this small I look at him now look how you turned out handsome you are, touching his face

(Harry) I shut my eyes I wish you was here

(James) we do to, we are so proud of you well done. Son

(Harry) I open my eyes and they were gone  I felt happy that they stayed but sad they couldn't be here in person

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