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Kiara's Pov

I ran up to the bed, sitting on it, I then flipped JJ over, he were passed out cold, I noticed the fresh bruises and cuts on his face, and a tear rolled down from my eye. "JJ. No." I whispered, hovering my hands over the new bruises on his face, I positioned his head to be place in my lap, I wiped but his hair and I waited for him to wake up.

I can't believe I let JJ go into that house, knowing well what was going to happen, I knew exactly what was going to happen, but I didn't expect to see him here, I expected to see him a few hours later, showing up with Pope, the fresh bruises plastered on his face, he would be acting like a tough guy, but I would see past his act usually.

JJ began moving, his eyes fluttered open and he began to sit up, getting off of my lap. He tried to sit up, but he fell back instead from how weak he was, his head landed back in my lap, I looked into his eyes, he looked defeated.

"JJ, again?" I asked, looking into his eyes. "Does it hurt?" I asked, looking into his eyes, moving hair away from his face, he sat up, this sit actually sitting up. I just looked at him, he looked awful, he looked so hurt and he was a wreck. I just stared at him, I couldn't bare seeing him like this.

JJ nodded slowly, groaning in pain as he sat back, I placed my hand on his back to help him, but it ended up hurting him more. "Whats wrong?" I whispered, taking my hand off of his back, he lifted up his top to reveal fresh bruises and cuts on his abs. There were so many cuts, bruises, and honestly, it looked like he had a few broken bones.

"JJ! You can't keep going back there!" I screamed, I pulled him in for a hug, he winced in pain, I let him go and just stared at him. If he died I wouldn't know what I'd do.

JJ's Pov

I stared at her, waiting for her to speak again, I didn't want to respond to her, I couldn't take her charity or anything, all I could do right now is wait for my Dad to kill me. "What difference does it make if he does kill me? I'm already on the urge of suicide, it'll be like a little push, giving me the courage." I said, not sure what to say, but it was the whole truth, I was on the urge of suicide, I had many thoughts that would make people sick.

"JJ! Don't say that! Please don't say that." Kiara whispered, cupping my face with her hand, I moved her hand away and rolled my eyes. "You'd be better off without me, you hardly talk to me, I see the looks Pope gives me when you get near me, I see the looks Pope gives me when I'm there! I can tell he want's me gone, and so do you." I continued, trying to convince her that it is the best thing for everyone.

"JJ! Stop it! Please! I would NEVER be better off without you!" Kiara raised her voice, Kiara stared at me, I could feel her looking through me, I honestly didn't really care if my Dad did kill me, I mean, I wouldn't like it, but I also wouldn't mind, I'd honestly be better off, everyone would, my life went to complete shit since that very moment that my Mom walked out the door, leaving me with my Dad, a true monster.

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