65. surprise

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2 months later:

"yeah i think if you add the harmonies there." nini said "then like a beat drop and the bridge starts and then the music will build back and then drop again."

she brought her hand up to her mouth to bite her nail nervously as dan nodded changed up the track while jenn sat on the chair next to her, playing it for them to listen through

nini nodded in approval with a bright smile on her face, mouthing the lyrics as she hopped her head to the rhythm

"i love it!" she exclaimed with a giddy expression, jumping in her seat.

"and...i think it's done." dan said

nini widened her eyes in disbelief and her jaw dropped "wait seriously?!"

"the album's done. the main stuff anyway, just need to get the little components touched up."

nini leaned back in her seat happily as she clapped her hands together "oh my god!"

"so, you'll come in tomorrow morning for the last listen through and if you're happy with it, it'll be waiting to be listened to by millions." dan smirked

"i'm so excited." she squealed "thank you so much."

she got up from her seat and hugged her producer who welcomed her before she hugged jenn

"thanks for letting me do this jenn." she sighed

"well, i guess this will probably be your best album yet." the woman admitted

nini smiled and checked her phone "oh, ricky's here-" she looked back up "thanks again guys, i'll see you tomorrow."

she waved goodbye to dan and jenn before rushing out of the room with her bag, making her way out of the building

ricky was drumming his fingers on the steering wheel as he sung along to the lyrics of the song playing from his spotify playlist as he waited for nini to come to the car, it's sort of what he does when he's a little nervous.

he looked to the right to see nini walking towards the car, a bright expression on her face as she arrived at the door and opened it, entering the vehicle

"hey," she beamed, leaning forward to greet him with a quick kiss

he smiled at her "so, how's the album coming?"

she jumped in her seat as she put her seatbelt on, ricky starting the car and driving down the road.

"we just finished putting in my ideas for the track we recorded last and i'm coming in tomorrow for one more listen through and then if there's nothing left to change, that's it!" she exclaimed

he chuckled at her excitement "that's amazing neens."

she nodded "so, how was today for you? what'd you do?"

"went out with red, kourt and ej for lunch and i got a call from benjamin today..."

"what did he say?"

ricky shrugged his shoulders "it was something about my audition for that movie where i have to play that leather-jacket guy."

nini raised her eyebrows at his next move being nonchalant, not further elaborating his answer as he kept driving and she tapped him on the shoulder quickly "and...?"

he turned his head at her "oh, i got the role-"

"ricky!" she exclaimed with a screech, causing for him to jump and lift his shoulders up in the best attempt to cover his ears while he continued driving

"jesus-neens, you've got to fix that screaming thing you do when you're excited-"

"i don't care, you really wanted that role and you got it!" she beamed "i'm proud of you."

ricky only smiled at her as he took ahold of her hand and intertwined their fingers together "thank you, i love you."

she returned his gesture and put her other hand on top of his "i love you too."

she looked back up at the road before knitting her eyebrows together "wait-bubs, this isn't the way home."

the boy only grinned as he took a deep breath "i know."

she whipped her head at him "wait, where are we going then?"

he looked back at her and shrugged his shoulders, leaving nini to open her mouth in confusion as he just kept driving.

within a few minutes, he had to dodge nini's constant questions of where they were going and what they were going to do and what he had planned, which he all just had to answer with "you'll see." and that started to frustrate her because she wasn't really keen on not knowing exactly what was happening with events and things in her life.

"-okay, could you maybe give a clue-?"

"neens," he laughed as he parked the car "we're here-but-" he quickly intervened when seeing nini's mouth open to ask a question "i'm not going to say anything and i have to ask you to wear this."

he held up a blindfold and she looked at him skeptically

"ricky bowen i swear if you're going to make me walk into a beehive's nest again like you did when we were thirteen..."

ricky bit back a laugh and shook his head "first; that was an accident and second; just put the blindfold on."

the girl sighed as she took the blindfold from his hand, putting it on her to cover her eyes as he quickly got out of the car to go around and open her door to guide her to the exact spot.

he stopped before reaching for the handle, patting around his jeans for what he was looking for before exhaling deeply in relief as he did and opened the door for her

"okay, here," he breathed as he took ahold of her hands and helped her out of the car

"oh god, this is how people die in horror movies." she mumbled nervously

ricky laughed "calm down, angel."

he brought one arm around her back to support her as he held her right hand while her left arm was around his shoulder

"the paps are gonna have some serious questions when they get the pictures of us like this bubs." she joked, moving her head around as she tried to get a sense of where they were

ricky shook his head "nope. no paparazzi, no fans, no one's around, it's just us."

"why does that scare me even more?" she asked jokingly again

"i promise, neens it's okay," he chuckled softly pressing a comforting kiss to the side of her head which made her heart flutter as they continued walking before coming to a stop

"why are we stopping?" she asked suddenly

"i'm going to let go of your hand now-"

he felt her grip on his hand tighten and he sighed with a smile

"angel, relax." he said "you're taking the blindfold off in two seconds when i say go, okay?"

nini took a deep breath "okay-okay...okay."

he chuckled as he let go and she stood randomly, waiting for him as he heard his fast-paced footsteps become more and more distant before silence around her

she tried her best to listen around her to hear what was happening or try and get more of an idea of where they were but nothing...

"all good!"

nini heard ricky's voice from afar and she exhaled deeply, her heart rate going higher and higher as she reached to take her blindfold off before she opened her eyes slowly to look in front of her when they widened and a gasp escaped her at the sight.

i believed in you || rini auOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant