Hate (*Edited)

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When I got home I put my stuff down and took my shoes off. I heard Crystal scream my name. I went to her room and told her to chill. She laughed and asked me if I felt better. I told her that I did then told her about everything that happened today. She asked about Madison and I told her that Madison is really nice and chill. Crystal said that she didn't get why Madison gets so much hate and I agreed.

We continued talking until we started getting tired. We said goodnight to each other then I walked to my bathroom to take my shower and do my nightly routine.

After I got out of the shower I changed into a oversized shirt and panties. I then laid down on my bed and got on my phone to post my nightly tweet on Twitter. I saw that Madison had tagged me in her tweet. It was one of the pictures we took at the restaurant. Her tweet said "@MadisonElleBeer: Met @IsabellaRose today. I love her already." I retweeted it then I posted my tweet.

@IsabellaRose: I had a awesome day today even though it started out bad. Awesome people made it better.

After that I went on Tumblr and got a text from Nate.
Nate: Good night beautiful. 😘😏
Me: Good night cheesy fucker. 😘

The next day, I woke up and went to my bathroom to do my morning routine. After I was done I went to the kitchen because I heard Crystal rummaging through the cupboards. She turned around and said that we have nothing to eat.

I looked inside the fridge and saw there was nothing but sauces. I closed it and asked Crystal if she wanted to go out for breakfast then go grocery shopping. She agreed so we walked back to our rooms to get ready. I changed into a black bralet, black Brandy Melville sun dress and black hightop converse. I put sea salt spray in my hair to give it volume and texture. After that, I put on concealer and mascara. After I was done I grabbed my car keys and purse then told Crystal I would wait for her in the car.

I got inside and waited for Crystal. I got on my phone and went on Twitter and saw I was tagged in tweets. I looked and saw that they were all about me and Madison. There were tweets like "Ewww, please don't hang out with her." and "Someone save Isabella from Madison." There were a lot of mean tweets but there were a lot of nice tweets too. I favorited all the nice tweets then I put my phone away. Crystal finally got inside the car and we left. We decided we would go to the same place we went to a few weeks ago.

When we got there a cute waiter sat us down. He asked us what we wanted and we told him what we wanted. He smiled and said he would be right back.
We talked about how cute he was and teased each other until he came back.

"Here's breakfast for two beautiful ladies."

We smiled at him as he put the food down. We thanked him and he said you're welcome and winked at us before walking away.

Me and Crystal laughed and started eating our food while we talked. I told her what happened this morning. Crystal then said that people can't stop me from hanging out with people I like and I shouldn't care about what other people think.

I agreed with her and then we finished our food. We left the waiter a tip for being cute and nice, paid then left. After that we drove to Target so we could get groceries and other stuff we needed. After we paid for the stuff we left to go back home.

Once we got home and put the groceries away I got a text from Nate.

Nate: Hey, do you want to hang out at Nash's place tonight?
Me: Sure
Nate: Awesome. So what's wrong with you?
Me: What do you mean?
Nate: You sound unenergetic.
Me: No I'm fine
Nate: Alright. Well, I'll send you Nash's address."
Me: Ok

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