Chapter 5: The Queen's Scandal

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Galatea’s point of view.
You get lost in her kisses. You get lost in the excitement of her finally being able to tell those people off.
Her lips capture your bottom lip and she pulls. It feels incredible. You moan sharply and wriggle against her. It works to make you want her that much more.
She pulls away, your foreheads are brushed together. Her breath blows hotly against your mouth. Her cheeks are a pleasant shade of pink.
“I need you.” Her whisper is edged with developing arousal. “Right here. Right now.” She kisses you again. It is a kiss to end all kisses. A kiss that nearly sucks the life out of you.
She drags her lips down your chin, and leaves a wet trail of nips and suckles down your neck. You are so curious about her body. An idea hits you.
Driven by your own desires and curiosity, you spin her around and now you have her pinned against the wall.
“Galatea? What are you doing to me?” Her voice is deep, she almost growls.
“Let me feel you.” You get on your tiptoes and whisper in her ear. You suck her earlobe between your lips and tug.
Your fingers dance and tug at her breasts, finding her hard nipples clinging to the gauzy material of her dress.
The grass is soft on your knees, when you get down to the ground. You roll up the light layers of her dress. She spreads her legs for you, and you are an easy fit between them.
You have never done this before. You are only acting on your inquisitiveness alone.
Your keen eyes notice how wet she is. You flick your tongue out and lap at her moisture as if thirsty.
“Just like that…” She gasps out sharply. Her hands go to the back of your head, pushing you closer. Her fingers wrap around your thick dark ringlets, and tug with wanton abandon.
Your tongue reaches that bit of flesh, that you have as well. A tiny little organ that brings you immense pleasure. You wrap your lips around it, as if to worship it with your mouth.
She pushes her hips off the wall, wanting more of her in your mouth.
Doing this to her, is making your own clitoris throb with need. You sway your hips from side to side.
You look up at her. Her eyes are barely opened. Her long lashes nearly shroud them. Her tongue darts out to lick her full lips, before she sucks the bottom one in.
“You feel so good… Don’t stop…”
One of your hands slide up and under your dress. You need friction against your slit desperately. You remember how Berenice touched you that morning. That is what you do to yourself now.
You blow warm breath against her and start to moan. Which end up making your lips vibrate. Unbeknownst to you, it heightens her pleasure.
You are surprised by her lifting you up to kiss your mouth.
“Let’s touch each other…”
You nod excitedly, and straddle one of her legs. You and her work in unison. Rubbing, stroking, and penetrating your depths, with fervent fingers.
“I love you.” You declare over and over again, between open mouth kisses.
“And I love you more than life itself.” She responds, shuddering against you.
“That’s why…” She kisses again, her tongue lightly teasing against your parted lips. “I want you to be my wife. We can be queens together.”
You pull away. Your lashes blink and flutter. Marriage is a concept that is still alien to you. “Berenice…”
She goes still. It almost feels like she will not breathe at all until she has your answer.
“I will be your wife and queen.”
“Oh! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” You share another kiss, that is deep and filled with all the love you can give each other.
“You would marry a filthy creature of the sea? A creature that my dear brother gifted you as a pet?” Princess Lydisi huffs, standing there, with her arms folded against her, defensively.
The two of you rush and straighten out your clothes and Berenice stands protectively in front of you.
“How did you find me here, princess? No one is to know of this private area.”
“I thought you and I had something.”
“You were trained to try and entice me to marry your brother. I only love the fairer sex and I would never marry a man to have access to a woman. I will never compromise who I am.”
“You are going to pay for this. Pay for humiliating my brother. You are going to pay dearly.”
Berenice lifts her head and steps confidently closer to the princess, “Is that a threat, Lydisi? You come to my nation and violate my privacy then turn around and threaten me?”
“It is not a threat. It is a warning.” She turns around and runs off.
Berenice turns to you and holds you close, “I am sorry that you had to hear that.”
“Do not apologize. Her words did not hurt me. Are you alright?”
“I am fine. This will be a scandal. One I will handle. Do not worry over it.” She presses her lips against your forehead.
“How about a private lunch in my garden?”
“I’d love that, Berenice.”
You talk about plans for the future. You talk of what the wedding would be like. Will it be a country wide thing, where it will be celebrated? Or will you two run off and elope, spend an entire season on her private island, where the two of you became fast friends?
A portly middle-aged man approaches slowly and cautiously, “Pardon my intrusion, your majesty.”
Berenice sighs and rolls her eyes, “Pardon accepted, Cornelio. What do you need?”
“The disbanded council, demands an audience.”
“I suppose, I should go and handle it.” She grabs your hand and kisses the top of it. “Will you be alright here?”
“Yes, I will be fine.” You smile. She gets lost in it for a few too short moments.
She and the man whisper amongst themselves when they walk away.
You take your time walking amongst the flowers. They are so different than the living sea creatures that mimic them in looks.
An idea hits you, you are going to collect a dozen different flowers and put together a beautiful garland. It reminds you of the times you and Berenice did that so long ago.
You collect different colors to form a beautiful gradient array of colors.
“You have a keen eye for bright and brilliant colors.” A man says several feet behind you.
You spin around and realize it is the king Jericho. You freeze up and don’t say a word to him. You fight hard to not let your natural instincts to take over. This man is up to no good.
“It was a very bad mistake acquiring you as a gift for the queen. I hear she wants to make you, her wife. It is a silly notion that two women can become wives together. That sort of thing would create a large scandal.”
You have to get away and you drop your flowers to run off. You are not as fast on your feet as you are with your fins and tail in the sea.
“Where are you going?” His legs are longer and stronger and he easily catches you. He tugs you violently to his chest.
“What could I do to you?” You feel the cold bronze of a dagger pressed lightly against you neck. “I could cut your pretty face and make you so undesirable, that the queen would put you out of your misery.” He laughs harshly.
“No. That is too easy. I will just take you back. She will never see you again.”
He keeps your mouth covered as he drags you away. “You will be gone forever before the queen is finished with her meeting.”

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