[3]: Battles

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    Some students that arrived were still yawning, but the sweet scent of pancakes made them wanna get a plate with a 2 feet tall pancake mountain.

    "Ooh look! Pancakes" Kirishima yelled and dropped his luggage and ran towards the table. The dropped luggage landed right on Katsuki's foot.

     "OI RED HAIR! YOU DROPPED YOUR GARBAGE ON MY FOOT!" Katsuki turned his head towards Edgar. Edgar already knew what he was going to say next.

    "It's the emo freak!" Edgar made an annoyed expression, he took his plate and went to sit on the couch.


    'For goodness sake, it's too early for this..' Edgar thought to himself and continued eating in silence while also enjoying the pancakes.

    "You should put aside your things for now, you have to eat first!" Stated Jessie. The students did what she said. After a few moments, they were all eating in satisfaction.

    Izuku glanced towards Sandy who was sleeping peacefully in the couch. Izuku turned back to his plate while Katsuki was munching on the food like an animal who didn't eat for a whole year.

    "Katsuki! Your eating like an animal!" Said Iida


    "I hope it's a fact!" Shouted Edgar as he finished washing his plate.

    "YOU TALK CRAP TO ME?! HUH?! YA EMO FREAK!!" His yelling was muffled by the cluster of pancakes in his mouth, some syrup and pancakes fell out of his mouth.

    Edgar made a disgusted look and went to watch TV. Izuku finished his food and looked at Colette who was writing in her book. Denki decided to try and take a quick look.

    "Don't touch it!" Colette warned. Kirishima tried to take a quick glanced but saw darkness as Colette's hand was placed right on his face.

    "And don't look either!" Colette held her book tightly and dashed to the couch, landing on Edgar's head as Colette tumbled on him.

    Edgar made an angry sound that made him move to another couch. When the students were done, they then went to unpack their belongings. Jessie and Leon helped. Katsuki had a bit of trouble putting this box inside his room. Edgar decided to make fun of him.

    "Need help?"

    "Help yourself!" Edgar said, Katsuki clenched his fists. "You dare make fun of me?!"

    Edgar chuckled and went to his room. "I'll get you back, emo freak!!" Katsuki shouted. The students finished and wore their uniforms and went to school.. which was probably a minute walk..

    "Now, I just want to verify that Edgar, Colette, Leon, Jessie, and Sandy are just here for their own likings and safety. They can still participate in studies if they wish. That is all" Aizawa stated then the students later nodded.

    "Today, we're going to do a quick duel. Only five students can attend while the rest watches. I want you all to vote which people shall participate. And just to make things clear, this will not be graded. This is just for fun and suggested by principal"

    All the students' names were written on the board, the ones who are voted were Iida, Izuku, Katsuki, Toru, and Denki.

    "This can also increase your chances to leading to victory if you manage to face a powerful unknown villain" Aizawa said as his eyes where closed shut. "Some teachers will also spectate to see how good you guys fought"

    "Now, wear your gym uniforms and follow me"

    Aizawa lead them to the stadium, it was pretty big. Bigger than the one they used in the Sports Festival. The five selected students were brought to the stadium while the rest went to get seated. "Who will we fight?" Asked Denki.

    "Isn't it obvious, downgraded Pikachu? We're fighting those brawler extras.." Katsuki answered

     "We aren't 'extras' pomeranian, we're humans. Stupid" said Edgar. Katsuki was of course, fuming. And started shouting at him.

    "Alright, I'm going to state the people who are going to fight" said Aizawa in a tired voice. "Sandy vs Iida, Colette vs Izuku, Edgar vs Katsuki, Leon vs Toru, and Denki vs Jeassie. All Might, Principal Nezu, Present Mic, and Endeavor are watching you guys"

    Kirishima glanced towards Shoto who made an annoyed look when he heard Endeavor was going to be there. "Hey Shoto, do you not wanna join?"

    "No.. I wanna be a spectator right now. And I don't wanna fight when that piece of crap, which is my father watching.." Kirishima sweatdropped and decided to shrug it off.

    "Okay, our first match is Edgar and Katsuki" the two boys went on the stadium. "If your opponent gets knocked off, you win"

    "Now, when I say go. You will fight!"




    "Go!" As Aizawa finished, the two boys rushed at eachother. The students and pro heroes were wondering, what would happen in a match between two angry kids fighting? Katsuki sent explosions towards Edgar, Edgar kept on dodging. Edgar hasn't fought back yet, he was still on the defensive side, this made Katsuki angry.

    "C'mon ya emo freak!"

    "Fight back! Are you too scared?! 'Cause if you are, I'll make you terrified!" Katsuki sent more and larger explosions. This made everyone a bit worried. Finally, Edgar decided to fight back. He jumped high up, his scarf moved weirdly and it formed a shape of two fists. Katsuki jumped a bit, he didn't expect that. In fact, he highly doubted he could fight back.

    "You want me to fight back? I'll give ya what you want!" The scarf moved forward and punched Katsuki multiple times. Katsuki sent a huge explosion, Edgar jumped again and landed behind Katsuki, sending a powerful punch that sent him out of the ring. The pro heroes were surprised, someone they never knew beat the first place winner of the sports festival.

    "Finally, I managed to shut the barking dog's mouth" Edgar said, Leon snickered.

    Next was Leon against Toru, Toru learned something from the first match, never underestimate someone, you never know what power he or she has..

    As the battle started, Toru started taking off her uniform since her body is invisible. She tried getting Leon off-guard but was worried when Leon chuckled. "Haha, how coincidental.." Leon put his lollipop in his mouth.

    Suddenly, a cloud of smoke appeared. And Leon was nowhere to be seen. 'Eh?! Where'd he go?' Toru thought worriedly. She didn't notice she was already out of the ring. "Huh?! I'm already out?!"

    "It's the power of invisibility!" Leon teased

    It was Iida against Sandy, Iida was already theorizing what kind of ability Sandy has. He looks at him, up and down, left and right. He blinked and suddenly got a bunch of sand in his eyes.

    "Ah! It stings!" Iida groaned in irritation. He kept moving at a fast pace and accidentally went outside the ring.

    It's now Colette and Izuku's match. Izuku had the disadvantage since he never fought a girl. As the match started, Colette threw a couple of heart-shaped projectiles towards him, Izuku dodged them but got hit twice. This repeated for a whole minute until Colette opened her book and dashed towards Izuku, too fast for him to react. And with that, he was outside the ring.

    The final match was Denki and Jessie, as Aizawa shouted 'Go!' Denki tried to push her as well, but got zapped by an electric ball shot from her weapon. He stumbled backwards and was out the ring.

    "Wow, these kids have great powers as well. Don't you think?" Nezu said as he sips on his cup.

    "Agreed" Present Mic answered.

Date Published: 9-5-2021

1277 Words

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