Red The Same As Her Hair

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Red..... the same as her hair..... not like strawberry blonde......  a crimson red......just like the color running down my hand..... long, beautiful, crimson hair..... I think as I lift my hand that is coated in my own blood and marvel at the beautiful shade of red. "You will live, for me"

Third Person Pov~

The early morning sun peaks past the medium height skyscrapers of the small Japanese city of Kuoh, the streets and sidewalks are full of people on their early morning commutes to work or school. Among the countless droves of people, a single head of silver hair can be made out of the sea of brunette and black hair from above. The owner of this unique head of hair is a fairly tall boy, standing close to 6ft tall which is pretty tall in Japan. He has bright yellow eyes that are closed as he walks which is strange because although his eyes are closed, he walks perfectly straight and doesn't run into a single passerby. He's wearing a typical school uniform, a black jacket, black slacks, a partially buttoned white vest and a dark green undershirt beneath his jacket which isn't exactly up to code in his school but he gets away with it because he's not from Japan and doesn't really understand much about Japanese etiquette yet. No one can deny that he's a handsome boy, no older than 19 and very fit for a guy in high school which is a bit difficult to see over his uniform but there is definite tone to him that can be noticed even with his uniform on.

The boy walks down the sidewalks of Kuoh without a worry in the world, small black earbuds stuck in his ear as he lightly nods his head to the beat of the song he's listening to while he walks

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The boy walks down the sidewalks of Kuoh without a worry in the world, small black earbuds stuck in his ear as he lightly nods his head to the beat of the song he's listening to while he walks. He finally opens his eyes as soon as his school comes into view, it's a pretty impressive large white building that could pass for a university rather than a simple high school. This is Kuoh Academy, once an all girls school that only recently started to let male students enroll and attend so the girl-to-boy ratio of the school is 10-1 with barely a dozen male students in each year. The fact that there aren't many guys in the school doesn't bother the silver haired student though, he wasn't much for conversation with anyone, girls or boys and only has less than a handful of friends in the school anyway.

He walks through the large gateway and as soon as his foot touches the concrete pathway of the school, his name is called by a familiar male voice

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He walks through the large gateway and as soon as his foot touches the concrete pathway of the school, his name is called by a familiar male voice. "Y/N!!" the voice calls and he looks to the side to see one of his few guy friends in the school, Issei Hyoudou running up to him with his hand waving back and forth.  "Morning Issei" the silver haired boy named Y/n greets his friend with a small smile that he returns with a smile of his own. "Dude you wouldn't believe what happened last night" Issei pants heavily from running after Y/n, "I really don't care about whatever raunchy movie you found online last night man, I really don't" Y/n sighs but Issei shakes his head and grows a cheeky grin, "Heheh, I don't need raunchy movies anymore because as of last night, I'm no longer single" he reveals while rubbing his chin in a cocky display of pride. Y/n raises an eyebrow at this and scoffs, "Riiiight" he rolls his eyes and starts to walk away, Issei furrows his eyebrows angrily at this and follows behind his skeptical friend. "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" Issei squints his eyes accusatively and Y/n simply shrugs at this without saying anything, "It's not that hard to believe that a girl finds me attractive and asked me out, is it?" he questions with a hint of self-consciousness in his voice, Y/n puts his arms behind his head and clasps his fingers together while walking forward. "It's not that you're physically unappealing, I'm sure plenty of girls would find you attractive if you weren't.... well...... you" he shrugs and Issei gasps at this, "What's that supposed to mean? What's wrong with me?" he asks in confusion and anger. "Issei you have over 2,000 pictures on your phone and maybe 50 of them at the most aren't something perverted" Y/n explains and Issei quickly pulls out his phone, opens his gallery and flips through his pictures for a minute and lets out a laugh in triumph. "HA! Only 1,700 pics! And only about 1,500 of them are perverted!" he rubs it in Y/n's face while showing him the number of pictures he has, "My point exactly" Y/n shakes his head in disappointment while Issei closes his phone and puts it away. "What? I enjoy boobs is that so bad? Doesn't every guy? Don't you?" Issei shoots an accusation at Y/n who simply shrugs, "I'm a straight guy, of course I like them. There's nothing wrong with liking them, we're biologically designed to like them. But there's a difference between my version of liking them and yours" he explains but Issei doesn't seem like he's following the point his friend is trying to get across. "Okay, how many pervy pics do you have on your phone then? Show me!" Issei demands and tries to pull Y/n's phone out of his jacket pocket. "Okay, okay! Easy there pervy" Y/n rolls his eyes, pulls out his phone, opens his gallery and hands it to Issei who immediately starts to scroll through the pictures. "Hehehehe, Y/n's private porn collection I bet there's all kinds of.... what the- there's nothing!" Issei gasps as he scrolls through again to make sure he didn't miss anything. "Tea? Food? Scenery? Ew, you in the gym!" Issei gags and hands Y/n's phone back to him like it's disgusting. "Where's all the tits!" Issei questions angrily and a little too loud, catching some confused and disgusted looks from people passing by. "Can you not yell stuff like that?" Y/n questions with wide eyes and a look that says "don't do it again" on his face. "Fine, but come on you have to have it hidden on there somewhere" Issei suggests and Y/n shakes his head no, "But you said you like boobs too?" Issei questions in confusion, "I do, but I don't like them enough that they are all I think about" Y/n explains. But before the two boys can discuss this any further, Issei's name is called from behind them. They both turn around and see a girl running up to them with a bright smile on her face. "Issei hi!" she greets him, stops running and stands at his side, "Yuuma? What're you doing here, I thought you go to a different school?" Issei questions the girl and she nods her head, "I do but school was canceled today and I wanted to see you" she answers shyly, hugging her arm and looking away with a small blush on her face out of embarrassment. "Y... you wanted to see me?" Issei asks in surprise and she nods quickly, "Wow.... okay" Issei smiles brightly with a blush of his own on his face. Y/n notices Issei's smile and can't help but smile himself, happy to see his friend this happy but then he looks at the girl and lightly bows in greeting. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Y/n, a friend of Issei's" he politely greets the girl, "Oh right sorry for not introducing you yet. Y/n this is Yuuma Amano, the girl I was telling you about earlier" Issei introduces the girl and she lightly bows in greeting back to me, "It's nice to meet you" she smiles. "So, Issei tells me you asked him out on a date huh?" Y/n asks her and she lightly blushes and nods her head, "Mhm... I've seen him walking home every day and I finally worked up the courage to ask him" she admits and he nods his head at this. "Yep! Our date is tonight and it's going to be great!" Issei cheers and Yuuma nods in agreement, "Oh tonight? Any plans yet?" Y/n wonders and Issei tells him that he wants to take Yuuma out to eat and just walk around town with her and do whatever sounds fun. "That sounds fun" Y/n smiles and Yuuma speaks up with an idea, "Why don't you join us?" Yuuma offers but Y/n shakes his head, "No, no I couldn't. It's your first date, I'd hate to get in between your fun" Y/n denies her offer but Issei cuts in, "Aw come on Y/n, if Yuuma's okay with it, we'd love if you came with us" Issei insists and Y/n thinks about it for a bit but relents, "Oh alright, I'll tag along but I'll leave a little early so you two can have some time together alone" Y/n smiles and Yuuma blushes at this and so does Issei.

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