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                                     ——————KENSINGTON, LONDONWEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22ND4:39 P

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4:39 P.M.


Oh how it was your favorite time of year, Christmas time. Decorating the house, playing in the snow, and the Christmas songs.You loved it, and this year it would be significantly better than the past Christmas's you had.

The dorm was decorated fully, there was a tree up and lights surrounding the living room. The previous Saturday, all of your friends gathered at your dorm to celebrate the festivities. With rounds of Secret Santa, singing, and throwing snowballs at each other, the night was great. Most of your friends were already at their real homes with their parents, probably getting ready for the big day.

The dormitory was dead silent, hardly nobody was there. Two occupants occupied the dorms though, you and Eren. You both were meant to go home on Tuesday night, but you two decided to stay a bit longer just to celebrate and have a night to yourself before you said goodbye. You were extremely giddy and could not wait for tonight, that's all you thought about.

One thing that had been puzzling you for the past month though was, "What the hell am I going to get Eren?" Now thinking about it, you were glad with your choice after reevaluating all of your choices. You basically knew him like the back of your hand now so it was easy to get him something.

You had everything set up for tonight. The fake fireplace heater was plugged in, the house smelt of peppermint, the stack of Christmas movies were piling up on the table, and the takeout was on its way. To made your mood even better, you had on a button up red and black plaid shirt, along with matching bottom shorts.

You weren't even going to bothering hiding the award-winning smile you had on, there was no use because every time you would try to stop yourself, the smile would come back in a matter of seconds.

4:45 P.M.

He was pacing, his body filled with doubt. Eren had to drink multiple glasses of ice cold water to calm him down. Right by the door sat your gifts wrapped up in white wrapping paper, tied up with a gold ribbon that he had to ask Armin to help wrap. What if you didn't like what he got?

It was a constant battle between his inner thoughts, telling himself "Oh no, she'll hate it" or "Stop worrying, she will love it!" He was a horrible over thinker and it always held him back.

There he stood, in a red and white silk pajama set, his hair in a loosely done bun. For the first time, he painted his nails because you suggested it one day and it just suck with him. He sat in his room a few nights ago, after midnight sitting at his desk painting his nails white. He would get aggravated with how many coats he would have to apply. Whenever he showed you his nails, he could recall you with your mouth agape that turned into you begging for him to allow you to do your nails next.

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