E.P. 3 Fight Class

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The camera opens up to show Asher fighting someone on a stage. The person swings a sword at Asher and he just dodges.

Asher:"You gotta try a little harder than that cupcake." *They slash at him again* "Woah a close one. You know I heard that if you stretch before a fight you won't hurt yourself." *They lunge at him Asher just sides steps and puts his leg our they trip and Asher slams the butt of dust on their back. Asher puts the barrel on the back of their head."I win." *The stage light turn off and glynda walks up to them*

Glynda:"Nicely done Mr. Rose. I think you will do well in the tournament." *looks up to grif* "If only some of your teammates would participate."*Grif lowers himself down his chair. She then turns to Asher*"You may go back to your seat." *Asher nods then leaves the stage.*

As Asher is walking back to his team he looks to see mercury staring at him intently. Asher just waves at him. When Asher gets back to his seat. Pyrrha was next and she was fighting cardinals team.

Simmons:"Nice fight sir."

Asher:"thank you simmons."*Turns to Grif* "That is how it's done Grif."

Grif just groans.

Donut:"Pyrrha is kicking their butt."*Points to the stage*

Grif:"Sometimes she scares me at how well she can fight."

Simmons:"Your scare because there's a woman that can easily kick your ass."

Grif:"Hey she can kick your ass, too, you know."

Pyrrha finishes her fight on the stage.The lights turn off and glynda walks up to them.

Glynda:"And that's the match."

Cardin:"Lucky shot."*He falls over*

Glynda:"Well done miss Nikos. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament."

Pyrrha:"Thank you professor."

Glynda:"Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow but we have time for one more sparring match. Any volunteers? Miss belladonna? You've been rather docile for the past few classes. Or How about grif. You have once to participate in a fight. Why don't you-"

Mercury:*Raises his hand*"I'll do it."

Glynda:"Mercury is it? Very well. Let's find you an opponent."

Mercury:"Actually, I wanna fight... her."*points to pyrrha.*


Glynda:"I'm afraid miss Nikos has just finished a match, I'd recommend you choose another partner."

Pyrrha:"No! It's fine. I'd be happy to oblige."

The camera moves to red team as Pyrrha and Mercury have their fight.

Asher:*narrows his eyes at mercury* "I don't like him he gives of bad Juju."

Simmons:"What do you mean sir?"

Asher:"When he looks at me I feel like he's analyzing me."

Donut:"Oh, come on sir. How bad could it be. It's not like there spy's for a queen that controls the grimm and there working with torchwick and the white fang, to take down the school and kill ozpin and take the fall maidens powers."

Red team just stares at donut for a second.

Grif:"That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard."

Simmons:"I have to agree with grif on this one."

Asher:"Simmer down ladies."

The camera turns back to the end of pyrrha's fight.

Mercury:*looks over to glynda*"I forfeit." *Pyrrha is surprised by this and runs just past him and stops*

Pyrrha:*turns to mercury.*"You, don't even want to try?"

Mercury:"What's the point? You're a world renowned fighter, we're obviously leagues apart."

Glynda:"In that case, Pyrrha Nikos is the victor of the match, again." *looks to Mercury* "Next time you may want to think a little harder before choosing an opponent."

Mercury:*walks away* "I'll be sure to do that."

The bells rings

Asher and his team leave.


Red team walks up to sun after he got rejected.

Asher:*puts a hand on his shoulder*"Next time, man."

Sun:"Thanks Asher. Well see you guys around"*He walks away.*

Grif:"What's up with blake. She seems..... off."

Simmons:"She's been like that since the fight with the robot."

Donut:"Maybe she just need a hug"

Asher:"Well whatever it is, I'm sure Ruby can handle it."

As team red gets back to the dorm they see jaune outside of RWBY'S dorm holding a guitar. Then a slam is heard.

Simmons:"What was that."

Grif:"It looked pretty pathetic whatever it was."

Asher:"Whatever it was. I'm too tired to care. Lets go ladies."

The camera closes and opens up the Cinder and her team talking.

Emerald:"Pyrrha Nikos."

Cinder:"Ahh, the invincible girl."

Mercury:"She's smart, but I wouldn't sat invincible."

Cinder:"Do tell."

Emerald:"Her semblance is polarity, but you'd never know it just by watching."

Mercury:"After she made contact with my boots she was able to move the, around however she wanted. But she only made slight adjustments."

Emerald:"Just enough to make it look like she's untouchable. She doesn't broadcast her powers so it puts her opponents at a disadvantage."

Cinder:"Hmm, people assume she's fated for victory when she's really taken fate into her own hands. Interesting. Add her to the list."

Mercury:"You should be able to take her no problem."

Cinder:"It's not about overpowering the enemy. It's about taking away what power they have. Who else is there?"

Emerald:*looks at her scroll*"And finally, Asher 'Sarge' Rose."

Cinder:"The leader of Red team. A team of misfits."

Mercury:"From what I seen he has somewhat of a split personality."

Cinder:"Really? Do tell."

Emerald:"Yeah sometimes he acts like he's in the military and other times he acts kinda like Ruby."

Mercury:"He can fight but not as good as Pyrrha."

Emerald:"So he should not be a problem then."

Cinder:"That's what I thought at first but when they nearly killed the Meta it changed my mind."

Mercury:"His team is just a bunch of crazy people. I mean look at him his middle name is Sarge. Like seriously who's middle name is Sarge."

Cinder:"His silver eyes make him a big target too. Add him to the list."

The camera closes and opens with red team dorms.

Their seen getting ready for bed.

Donut:"The dance is soon. I can't wait. No one can out dance Franklin Donut."

Grif:"And apparently were in charge of food too."

Asher:"A mission from command. We must not fail."

Simmons:"We won't, sir."

Asher:"That's what I like to here."

They all then go to bed.


(I was going to make this longer but I decided not to.)

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