Admiring people from far away is not as scary as falling in love with them.
Conan Gray likes a girl called Mae Diaz but they have nothing in common. After an untoward incident at a party he threw leads to him finding out that Mae's twin, Riley like...
Short but important chapter. u don't want to miss it
I am stalking Conan on Instagram. He just posted pictures from his midnight birthday party. The usual friends are there, of course and Riley and Mae who seem to have adjusted themselves in the group pretty well. Riley' smiling toothlessly at Caroline in one picture and they seem to be talking. Riley's a such a fucking whore, the way he goes throwing smiles and flirty grins at everyone. I don't know how Conan manages to date him and not feel jealous. Riley shouldn't be smiling at anyone like that and Conan should talk to him about it, before he ends up cheating on him.
Speaking of Conan, he's of course in every picture, except for the last one which is a photo of the cake. He's either smiling at Riley, like he's the only one he can see, scowling at his friends as they something about him. He looks a bit tired but entertained nonetheless.
I really want him back. But I can't have him. I don't know what to do about that. A part of me feels I should hurt Conan by outing Riley and his relationship but I can't do that. It's I Riley hate, not Conan. They would get so much shit, if they told people just now and I don't want him to suffer. Conan is innocent and easily led on by the slut of a guy Riley.
There's something about the guy though, Riley, that is. I feel like he's one of those people who laugh and grin to hide something they've buried inside. Just today, his bio had a trans flag for two minutes. When I refreshed his profile(@ riley.rilee), it was gone. I think he wanted to show allyship but I can't wrap my head around the fact that he had it.
Come to think of it, Riley is sort of weird like that. He constantly stands up for Simone when someone makes a joke about her leaving or her body parts. He argued with a teacher when she called announced about Simone and used her deadname. I think it's maybe because he uses they/he is used to his pronouns being debunked. The other day, he was telling the swim coach about something and when he asked if he would join the team, he refused. Could it be....?
Maybe, I should just confront him on Instagram DMs. If he's trans, then I know what I should do. I should shut up. But this is my chance to get Conan back. I can blackmail Riley.
You can never get him back, I remind myself. It hurts knowing that. I can't ruin Riley's relationship with Conan either because I feel like that would hurt him. I can...make Riley pay. Lord, I sound so sociopathic.
I pull up the school Tumblr. Everybody shit posts over there, sometimes even confessing to things or crushes. It's mostly shit but I crack a smile or two going through it, once in a while.
Hey mfs! I have an announcement that might please ya'll. Riley has a wet pu*** and impostor syndrome. He is also up to be banged by anyone, girls and boys and our non-binary, Riya. If he gets mad about this, little girl is probably on his period. Stay warm and safe Riley, you know what they do to little girls :)
I have released all my dirty humor in just one post. I won't post it though. I know it's mean and just outright disgusting. I am just taking out all my anger and prejudice against him on my keyboard. I am not gonna post it. This is too sensitive and outing someone like that is wrong. I am only human so of course, I think of blackmailing and revenge. But it's wrong and slowly I have started to realize that I should leave them alone. Besides, it's not even sure if Riley's trans. I just have a small doubt because of all of his classroom activism and having a small pride flag which was probably because he's an ally. He has they/he pronouns that no one follows uch. It's probably because of that.
"Put my phone on charge, would you?" I say, handing my phone to my seven year old sister. She nods obediently, taking my phone in her hands. It's on one percent and probably dying any second. "Delete the tumblr app too."
"I hit send on the words and deleted the app," she says, plugging the charger in and sitting down to play games on it, probably.
She hit send. She. Hit. Fucking. Send. I don't even remember my fucking tumblr password.
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Hey mfs! I have an announcement that might please ya'll. Riley has a wet pu*** and impostor syndrome. He is also up to be banged by anyone, girls and boys and our non-binary, Riya. If he gets mad about this, little girl is probably on his period. Stay warm and safe Riley, you know what they do to little girls :)
posted by sssashaaa at 9:45 AM surprised but not really. i havent gotten some pussy in a while so sign me up
cutie.from.chem This is so wrong of you, Sasha. You shouldn't be posting his personal business online
fuckthegenderbinary(riya) Sasha I really didn't expect this from you, mf. You shouldn't be lying or making false claims
satans.personal.whore i m next for sum pussy if he still has it 🤣
tristannnx NOW WE KNOW WHO ISN'T GONNA COME TO SCHOOL TOMORROW LMAO since i couldn't pull her sister, i might as well go for the consolation prize NOT ALL UR TRANS PORN FANTASIES TURNING INTO REALITY i ll fuck him if he still has boobs
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