Harry and Ginny arrived in Hogsmeade before the attack was over. They pulled their white coats over their faces. Everyone stopped fighting as they walked into the space between the deatheaters and the students and shop keepers.
Harry projected his voice to say "innocent civilians please retreat and deatheaters i will give you one warning leave now or we'l have to show you the consequences." The civilians took a step back knowing that the two of them could take on twice as many deatheaters on their own. A few deatheaters turned and ran having already faced the consequences and the few very loyal supporters laughed. Harry and Ginny looked at eachother and went into combat mode. Harry on defence and Ginny on offence.In the crowed a few students on a hogsmeade trip looked on in awe. Never had they seen such amazing skills. Two of the students Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood smilled on at the two. They had seen the Light nights fight and knew them all having been saved by them beforehand. They truly apreciated the work that the light night had done.
Harry fired a charm which Ginny had never heard of. The charm knocked ten deatheaters of their feet. Harry glanced at Ginny and nodded towards the civilians. Ginny retreated and watched Harry aprihensivly. Harry spread his ams out and he felt them begin to tingle as the last ten remaining deatheaters fell to the floor. In the end the few straglers were taken care of by Ginny. The pair tied up the deathaters and waited for the ever present order and Ministry. The two organisations took away the deatheaters as Harry and Ginny apparated away.
Harry was furious. How could they have taken so long. He slammed his fist on the table.
"Harry what in the name of Merlin?!" Ginny yelled. Harry looked down, "I'm sorry Gin it's just how could they have taken so long to get there? i mean honestly isn't the duty of their so called roles to protect people. Did you see the crowds?, there were thirteen year olds Gin. They could've been seriously hurt!" Ginny sighed.
"They weren't besides you usually don't care how late they are what's wrong?" Harry sighed and looked into Ginny's eyes. "We are living with the order to prevent Voldemort attacking hogwarts but Dumbldore took twenty minutes to arrive Gin what if he's out of hogwarts and the kids are on their own? besides they all think my darling brother is going to defeat oldemort and we know it's my destiny not his but oh i dunno." Ginny smiled, Harry was completly awful with the thoughts of young people getting hurt. Yet despite this he still put himself in the danger zone.
"Harry not everyone will be saved and that's ok it's war we've just gotta destroy him once and for all ok?" She kissed harry who kissed back passionatley. He stood up and wrapped his arms around her waist. When oxygen became a nessesity they broke apart. Their hair a little messed up, lips roughed and clothes jostled. "Ok" Harry said.

Two different brothers
FanfictionThey ran, he escaped and together they formed the Light Nights but when they are called into action can they preform with all the negative memories they share? Or can they overcome adversity and save the wizarding world? *WRONG BWL STORY*