{a/n: DRACO, FINALLY :))
for choosethesegirls for your kind message <3 }
[August 2, 1996]
The wait in the morning to go to Malfoy Manor was enduring. It seemed that even the planets had decided to slow their turn around the sun. You watched the ball of light rise through the foggy streets of Spinner's End out the window, body paralyzed by the emptiness of your heart.
The clothes that Meepy had prepared for you lay on the edge of the bed. A black dress that ends a few inches below the knees. The top was cut so that it exposed your neck. The detail in the fabric was remarkable. It was one of your mother's old clothes, passed down from your grandmother. It was lovely – old-fashioned but timeless.
Three knocks on the door, and your heart already seemed to go in an unfamiliar pattern. Peter stood at the other side of the door, before saying that it was time to go. In the last moments of preparation, you slip the picture under your clothing with nowhere else to put it. Meepy has put your hair in a bun, neat and elegant.
The floorboards creaked as you made your way downstairs to where they were waiting. The heels of your shoes clanked on each step of the uncarpeted stairs.
Snape lends out his arm to you and you take it. The vacuuming feeling of apparition taking over all your senses. The thought of what was to come filled your mind, seeing Draco after all this time. Wondering what business was going on between Snape and Narcissa.
Your feet land in front of the gates to the Manor, and you almost roll your eyes at the thought of walking in the long driveway. You look up at Snape with an annoyed look, and he glares at you. "Just follow, child," he says, and you reluctantly follow him.
The wrought-iron gates of the Manor were huge, and they opened once Snape waved his hand in a certain stroke. Thankfully, the path of the driveway was comfortable to walk on in heels, and in a few minutes, the manor stood tall in front of you.
The wide-glass panels covered the walls of the building. Surrounded by a maze of hedges and mowed grass. It was more impressive looking than that of the estate, though the expanse of the lands was smaller. The tall doors swing open as you approach it, revealing the familiar interior of the manor.
As you make your way to the drawing room, you notice that the usually bright entrance hall is dimly-lit. The pristinely clean carpets that covered the stone floor seemed to collect dust. The portraits of the older Malfoys watch you as you stride with the two men, a judging look in their eyes.
At the end of the hallway, you see a man stand outside the doors to the drawing room. His greying hair was slicked back, as one strand framed his wrinkling face. He looks to you, the familiar eyes reminding you of all the devout lessons he's taught you. You try to normalize your breathing at the realization.
"Malachi," Snape says as Peter cowers behind you both. The surprise you feel is pushed down.
"Severus," Malachi says before turning to you with a devilish grin on his features, "Hello, y/n."
"Father," you greet him back, adding a small innocent smile as you shortly bow your head. Your heart was going feral, wanting to find a way to escape the presence of your father. Suddenly feeling the walls of the big manor crawling closer to suffocate you. You try your best not to put your hand on your nape, taking deep breaths and voiding your body of emotion.

The Last Prince Series || d.m./g.w.
FanfictionGeorge Weasley has been your best friend since childhood. But fate has other plans. Are you willing to stay true to the faith your father taught you? Or will your heart say otherwise? //ongoing// 18+ content