Forced to Compete

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Much to his chagrin, Izuku Midoriya is forced to compete in Yuuei's Sports Festival against 2end-year students for the amusement of both Nedzu and the Author.


"So, this is where I'll be staying?" Izuku's eyes were filled with amazement as he looked around the room. Truthfully the room wasn't overly large but did contain a desk, bed, dresser, closet, and a few other amenities.

"Yes, so long as you're comfortable here?" Nedzu looked at the child's small smile and was warmed by the kid's joy for the small things. He may not understand human emotion but maybe this child could teach him.

"I thi-think I'd like to stay here if it's alright with you...?" Izuku looked to the bear, mouse, thing for confirmation.

As of course Nedzu nodded to the boy and smiled outwardly for the first time in a long time. Truth be told he often put on a fake smile to comfort those around him, but it never came as part of a reflex.

"Yes, I'd be more than happy to have you here Midoriya." Izuku nodded and began to unpack his few things. Setting his backpack on the desk, along with the box that Nedzu had carried in.

"What's in the box... If I may inquire?" Izuku turned and looked at Nedzu and then towards the box in contemplation.

"It-it's something mom said my grandmother wanted me to have. I've... I've never opened it, but it must be important if she left me with it." Nedzu hummed, it was rather odd but felt that it wasn't his place to push the boy any further on.

"Well, I'll leave you to get settled in. If you need me, I'll be in the kitchen." And with that the bear, mouse, thing took his leave from the boy's room and went to start lunch.


"Don't I get a choice in the matter?" Izuku looked at his teacher in front of him. Power Loader's face held no room for argument nor room for questioning.

"No, Nedzu himself has made sure that you will be competing." Izuku's face filled with a look of shock and horror. He wasn't ready, he wasn't even prepared. 'I'm not ready, I didn't think I had to compete.'

As of course, most Support Department students had the choice to compete in the Sports Festival at the permission of their parents and instructor. The same as any other student in Yuuei. However, what no one had accounted for was that a parent could consent to the student's entrance into the Sports Festival without said student's signature.

"Da-Nedzu is forcing me to participate? Can't I at least object to it?" Power Loader chuckled at his young student. Of course, Izuku didn't get a say in the matter. Who did he take Nedzu for, someone who would give up on their students? Of course not, he cared deeply for the development of his students.

"Nope, you need the practice and maybe it'd do you some good to be with fellow students even if you have to compete with 2nd-years." Ahh yes, Izuku would be forced to compete with 2end-year students since Mr. Aizawa had gotten a little upset with all 1st year students except for the Support Department and General Education.

Why was Eraser not mad at the Support Department? Well, a certain green bean had kept the department in line for the most part. Of course, the students did blow things up on occasion but for the most part, they all showed promise. And Gen Ed was where anyone who showed some sort of promise was sent.

The Gen Ed department would also be competing, but the school feared that it would be rather uninteresting and lackluster to have just the General Education kids and the three/four Support Course students competing against one another.

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