This is our first chapter so enjoy and comment.... We will probably need more characters so please comment, names or if you wanna be part of this fan fiction we will try to add you. (we will choose)
"Come on!!!! He's cute chose this one!" Amber said pointing her index finger to then screen
"NOOOOOO" I exclaimed, closing the laptop
"COME ONNNNN!!!!!!!" Amber shouted, as she snatched my laptop. I tried to take it back as I heard a loud thud coming from the kitchen. Amber and I looked at each other scared, there were 5 minutes of silence until I decided to break the silence and said
"Let's go towards the noise, And see what's going on"
"Heck no" Amber whispered looking at me like if I was crazy, I just chuckled as I saw her scared face
" Have you not learned from Horror movies? The person that always goes to the noise gets killed first! No way I'm going over there" Amber said clearly freaking out, i couldnt hold it in anymore and I burst out laughing
"Alex this is no laughing matter" Amber exclaimed in a form of a whisper.
"Come on! It's not like there is a ghos-" i said as I was cut off by another thud coming from the kitchen again
"Let's go Amber or I'm leaving you here alone!" I told Amber as she looked at me with fear in her eyes. I actually felt bad for her, but I just had to figure out what was going on out there I couldn't bare knowing there was someone in our penthouse (Yes we live in a penthouse, with 5 rooms and 4 bathrooms. One of them was my room, another one was Amber's, the other one was Mary's room, we had a little gym in our house, and a music room. Our penthouse had 2 floors, my room and girls rooms were up stairs. Each of our rooms with there own walking closets. Amber and I had to share bathrooms since our rooms were the closest ones, Mary had her own bathroom though. But I had the biggest room by a little and Amber had the biggest closet. My room was the first one the one in front the stairs, Amber's was the second one and Mary's was the furthest.)
"Fine you go but when the ghost or whatever is out there kills you don't come back to me" Amber said sticking her tongue out at me
"Fine" I said, as I started standing up from my queen size bed and walking out of my room with a flashlight on my left hand and my phone on my right. I started walking down the stairs when I see a shadow going towards the kitchen. I turn my flashlight on since it was dark, I go walking down the stairs trying to do the less noise possible, yet I'm a complete failure stumbled down the stairs, but I got to hold on to the stair handle.
"Alex is was that you?" Amber shouted sticking her head from my bedroom to down stairs, instead of replying I just kept walking through the living room to the kitchen to check and see what the noise was and who's shadows it was. But suddenly I felt someone grab me by my waist, slam me towards the wall. When the anonymous person slammed me towards the wall I winced, but the person the covered my mouth and whispered in my ear
"Shh... Don't make any noise" Wait that noise sounded familiar...... It was Mary... Gosh I should've known, It was so obvious!
"Mary?" I try to whisper through her fingers. She chuckles at lets me go
"What are you doing down here anyways? Your supposed to be working" I whispered, with a confused look on my face
"Yeah... about that I got umm... Fired..." she whispered back, while looking at the floor with her innocent face and hands behind her back.

I want, I wish, I would, <3 (1D fanfic)
FanfictionTHIS STORY ISN'T REAL! (WE WISH). This story is about Alex an eighteen year old orphan. Who's life changed from heart breaking, to an adventure the moment she meets One Direction for the first time. The only problem is she hates them, and can't stan...