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Tanjiro-  -wake up-  what happened last night

Having bad time fighting nausea

-look him and see shinobu-

Why is she in my bed

Shinobu- Mhm  -in a dozy tone- Hmm

Oh hey let's go already

And you need to train your tsugoku shinobu

Shinobu- but

Wait..... No but

-run and get out of the room........ finding kanao-

Tanjiro- should I be happy that I don't have a tsugoku?

I shouldn't worry

-come out from his room- hey dad, hey uncle

Yoriichi- hey

Michikatsu- hey


Kanao- why is master late

Shinobu-  sorry   -panting-

I-i l-la

Kanao- calm down and talk slower

Shinobu-  -take a deep breath-

Okay I'm sorry I'm late.... Now let's train

Kanao- o-okay

Shinobu- here stand like this, hand right here , your shoulder must be straight

-basically she train her every single form-

Crow- shinobu master called for a meeting

Shinobu- what!

Okay wait ... -thinking about something- okay let's go

-when she arrives at the HQ-

Ubuyashiki- hello my children

Hashiras- hello master

Ubuyashiki- I heard about the camp and I been thinking about this

You should go and see how tanjiro train

Hashiras- okay master


Tanjiro-  -set up the thing he need to train-

This is gonna be interesting

Hashiras- oh god he train really hard but it look so easy for him

Tanjiro-  -push up on one hand with a ton of heavy thing on his back-

-notice them- spys

-I'll show you real training-

Sun breathing
First form
Second form
Third form
Fourth form
Fifth form
Sixth form
Seventh form
Eighth form
Ninth form

Hashiras- this breathing is so beautiful

Kanao-  -shocked the way he train-

Tanjiro-  -stopped training-

Now that I've finished training....come out

You've been watching me for like 3 hour

Hashiras- how did he notice us

-walk up to him-

Rengoku- that was so cool

Uzui- that was so flameboyant

Shinobu- that was so good

Mitsuri- wow that dance is so beautiful, pretty  and so stro-

Shinobu- mitsuri that too much -angry voice-

Mitsuri- right...

Hashiras- teach us

Tanjiro- one word no

Hashiras-  please

Tanjiro- no means no

Hashiras- fine

Michikatsu- show them more

Yoriichi- yeah show me how much you can do than last time

Tanjiro-  -in mind- I hate my life....why

Fine  -sigh-

-started doing all the moves-

Yoriichi- you've gone a lot better

Michikatsu- yeah he does

Tanjiro-  -stopped doing the moves-

Mitsuri- why did you stop you were doing all the move and then yo-

Shinobu-  -looking at her with an angry face-

Mitsuri- shinobu please don't look at me like that

Shinobu- like what.... I didn't even look at you

Tanjiro- it's getting late go to bed already

Hashiras- all right -leave-

Tamayo- dear could you come with me

Yoriichi- yes I'm coming

Shinobu- well tanjiro I don't know that your breathing was so pretty

Tanjiro- there more you don't know about me

Michikatsu- don't be so romantic when your uncle here

Shinobu-  -blushed-

Tanjiro- stop it

Michikatsu- so is she  your girlfriend

Tanjiro- yes go now -blushed-

Michikatsu- well then bye I'll talk to you later

Tanjiro- my uncle he's very you know

Shinobu- yes I know

Tanjiro- then let's go to bed now

Shinobu- ok

Tanjiro- but you can sleep on your own room now right

Shinobu- but it's cold without you

Tanjiro- yeah I know


Tanjiro- good night

Shinobu- could I get a goodnight kiss
-making puppy eyes-

Tanjiro- ok -kiss her in the cheek-

Well then let's sleep

Shinobu-  -wrap his hand around him-




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