Chapter Nine

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Before Lucas could answer, the doorbell rang, and Lucas went to get it. Their food had arrived, and the boys came rushing out.

They inhaled the heavenly aroma of food. "Let's eat. What are we waiting for?" asked an excited William, while Walter started checking out the dishes. 

"Violet eat before everything goes into our tummies," said Walter. 

Lucas chuckled at their enthusiasm. Violet came out quietly and smiled at her brothers. Lucas saw she had a sad expression on her face. He knew something was troubling her and he had to speak to her.

"Tuck in, Violet, " he said, and she nodded, sitting at the table. 

They all served themselves whatever they wanted to eat. Chicken in white sauce, mushroom rice, potato wedges, mixed vegetable stir fry, and cream cheese lemon cake. 

"This is awesome Lucas. Do you eat this every day?" asked Walter, incredulously. 

"Yeah, but I don't like it. I like home-cooked food," he said and the boys looked at him like he had grown two horns. 

"Violet, don't you like the food?" asked William, seeing her just sitting and staring at the food. 

"Yeah, it's very good. Thank you, Lucas," she said. "It's late, finish your food fast and go to bed both of you, " she said. The boys nodded. They fought over the same piece of chicken which they both wanted. Lucas intervened and halved the same piece and gave each of them a halve.  

At last, dinner was over and they all cleaned up everything. Violet stored the leftovers in the refrigerator while Lucas rinsed the used dishes. "Where will Violet sleep,  Lucas?" asked William. 

"I'll show her to the bedroom next to mine," he said, wiping his hands. 

The boys raced to their bedroom. "Goodnight Violet,  goodnight Lucas," they chorused. 

"Come I'll escort you to your room," said Lucas, turning towards Violet. He walked to the bedroom next to his. "You can sleep here. Your suitcase is here. If you need more clothes, I can lend you mine, " he said gently. Violet nodded. "Thanks, I have some, I think I can manage," she said, with a shy smile. 

"Goodnight, Violet," he said, staring at her face longingly. What could he do to get a kiss from her? He longed to hold her in his arms, to ask her what was bothering her, to comfort her but didn't know how to approach her.  

"Goodnight, sir," she answered and he winced. It seemed as if she wanted to remind him of her position.  

He would have to deal with it. She couldn't continue to call him 'sir'. He would go crazy. He walked to his bedroom feeling more frustrated than before. He thought that he was making progress, that she had started opening up to him. Now it seemed that they were back at square one. 

Lucas couldn't sleep. With Violet just on the other side of the wall, he was restless to hold her and comfort her. He tossed and turned and eventually gave up. Getting up he went to get a bottle of water from the kitchen. 

He quietly made it to the kitchen and came out with a bottle of water. His eyes went towards the huge floor-to-ceiling windows near the far end of the living room where a huge 8-seater sofa was placed to watch the night skyline. The silhouette of a woman could be seen clearly against the window in the dim lights. Violet? What was she doing here? 

Lucas walked towards the silhouette. He saw Violet standing and quietly watching the stars in the sky. "Violet, what are you doing here?" he asked her, staring at her radiant face glowing in the moonlight.  

"Searching for mom, " she said, going and sitting on the sofa. "She's a star now. She died last year in an accident. I can't pull anymore," she said looking into her lap.

Lucas sat down beside her. "You can tell me what's bothering you!" 

"I don't want to be a burden on you, sir. Tomorrow we will go back to our apartment. I need to join work too. The boys have to rejoin school," said Violet with a sigh.

"You're not going back to that apartment, " Lucas said firmly. 

"It's my home. How long can we run away? We will deal with whatever happens. I can't live here with you forever, free of cost. I can't take advantage of your kindness, " said Violet. Lucas was more frustrated at her stubbornness. How would he convince her that she was all he wanted? How would he tell her that he wanted her to stay with him forever?

"I have bought a new house in Santa Monica Beach. Tomorrow we will shift there. The boys can go to the community school nearby and you can work at our hotel in Santa Monica. Or you could work at my house. I would have to search for a housekeeper anyway. So you can instead take care of the house and cook for us. That way you wouldn't be living free of cost. What do you say?" 

She seemed to think about his proposal. In fact, she liked the fact that she didn't need to work in this hotel anymore. She would be bombarded with questions and back bitching if she continued. 

"Can I answer tomorrow, sir? I need to think about it," she said and he nodded. 

"Take your time," he said looking at her with concern. Would she accept or decline? 

"Lucas," he said, still staring at her. She turned to look at him.

"I beg your pardon?" she said, not getting what he said. She was deep in thought, considering his proposal. 

"I said, call me Lucas," he repeated. His gaze, not leaving her beautiful face. It looked so fresh,  innocent, and young from so close. The pink top clung to her body and made her look delicious and creamy white in the moonlight. He could see the soft mounds of her breasts from the neckline of her top. Her plump red lips looked freshly bitten as if she had been biting them thoughtfully.  

"Let's keep it professional, please. I need to work for you," she insisted. 

"No, I don't want to keep it professional," he stated impatiently and she looked at his agitated face.

"I don't do flings, " she said quietly, looking again at the stars.

"I'm in love with you. Believe me, it's not a fling," he said and she looked at him in disbelief. 

"Why?" she asked.

"I don't know," he said. He picked up her hand and placed it on his chest. She felt his wild heartbeats and gasped. "See? It's beating only for you," he whispered. Violet snatched her hand away as if stung. She felt goosebumps on her skin at his touch.

"I don't want a physical relationship," she explained. Maybe he wanted her for a night to warm his bed. Why else would a billionaire like him say such things to a poor cleaner of his hotel? 

Lucas got up as if stung by her words. "I don't need to lie to get a woman in bed. I love you. Why is it so difficult to believe?" he asked, and turning, he strode off to his bedroom and closed his door. 

 Violet sat in the dark, confused and undecided. Maybe he did love her after all. He really didn't need excuses and lies to get a woman. With his looks and money, no woman would be able to resist him. She got up and went to her room. Curling up on her bed,  she dozed off to sleep.

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