Chapter 25

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Today is finally the most awaited day for tzuyu to see if her lessons to the boys and her friends is really a succeed or not. The lecturer passing the exam papers as jungkook take a deep breath before taking a glance to her for a second. He sigh deeply and grabbing his pen before reading and answering the question in full focus!

The lecturer also seem shocked and weird seeing Jeon jungkook really focus and try really hard to answering the question! Huh, such a unusual scene!

He didn't look at his side or what. He just reading and answering the paper! Tzuyu take a glance towards him for a second before look at her paper again. A tint smile plastered on her lips while answering her paper. She somehow hoping he will get a better grades!


The days of examinations has passed...

Tzuyu and the girls walk while laughing together to the college compound as jungkook and the boys in the other side look at them. Jungkook was holding a slice of cake makes an idea come to his mind. He smirking a little.

"Hyung let's go to the girls." He said and immediately walking towards them. Tzuyu furrowed her eyebrows and stop laughing,slightly rolling her eyes towards him.

"What do you guys want?!" Sana ask coldly.

"I want to do this." Jungkook said and suddenly throwing his cake towards tzuyu makes the girl eyes widened and mouth hang open.

"Jeon jungkook. are you crazy?!" Jin whispered and hitting his arm a little. Tzuyu also in shocked as she look at her clothes and the to his face.

"You're freaking a bastard jeon jungkook." She sigh deeply and really in mad as she inmediately stood up and walk away from all of them.

"Stupid, Childish, annoying." She mumbled while grabbing a shirt from her locker and then walk to the changing room. Before she could close the door of the changing room, Jungkook was quick enough to hold it and get inside the room too. He lock the door meanwhile tzuyu already eyes widened.

"Yah! Get out jerk!!! This is a changing room for girl!" She slightly shout and hitting him. He grab her both hand and glaring onto her face.

"There is no one here. Only you and me. So what?" He shrugged his shoulder and wearing a smirk. She sigh again in frustrated and scratching her head. Really in annoyed and frustrated.

"What do you want actually huh??!!" She ask while furrowing her eyebrows.

"Today's kisses." He said in such a slumber way! She smirking sarcastically and glaring deeply.

"You're such a jerk. I don't fucking want! You're not my boyfriend! so why I should give it??? and please stop bothering me asshole!" She said in annoyed and that's words makes jungkook mad out of sudden.

"You like me don't you?!" He ask.

"No! I like mingyu! So please stop!" She slightly shout as jungkook feels froze when hearing this. His heart broke apart! He gulping and glaring again, pulling her closer to him roughly.

"YOU LIKE MINGYU?????!!!!!!" He ask again in half shout.

"YES, SO WHAT??!!"

He grinding his teeth in anger before grabbing her neck and planting a rough kiss on her lips.

"Jungkook!" She wriggled her head and hitting his chest but he holding both of her cheeks to make her stay still and kissing her. The kiss was really rough as he really in mad. She gather her energy and punching at his stomach before pushing him.

"Don't use me anymore jeon jungkook. I don't want to be your toy. And yes, I like mingyu so stop bothering me!" She said again makes his breath get quicker and really want to punch someone right now. He clenching his jaw and his fist before giving a hard punch on the wall. Her eyes widened as he keep punching the wall torridly until his hand was bleeding!

"Jungkook!" She shout and tried to stop him but he yanked her hand away and glaring deeply into her face.

"Fuck off." He said coldly and open the door roughly before walk away leaving her alone. Yes. She didn't mean it at all that she like mingyu but.. she need to do this as she don't want her feelings become more stronger towards jungkook meanwhile he just keep playing with her. She don't want it to happen.

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