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"And with that class is dismissed. Please remember that there will be a test on Monday. Be safe and have a great weekend."Mrs.Samson states as she left her spot right beside the white board and headed to her desk. The older woman, about mid-60's taught at riverside since she graduated and had taught a few of my classmate's parents. She had grey hair that she colored an obnoxious blonde and had cankles that scared small children.

The seniors stayed seated waiting for the final bell to ring, dismissing the students to their weekend. Cory unlike the other students wasn't too excited about the weekend. She wasn't invited to parties nor would she want to be but her dad is making her come to a business dinner. The only reason was to show that her dad was somewhat human and for him to brag about how awesome his daughter was.

The dismissal bell rang allowing the students to rush the halls. Cory brought up the rear of students leaving Mrs.Samson's room and heading to the student parking lot. Her spot was #12. It was easy to spot in between two elaborate murals. One of Dory saying they have short-term memory, and another one that resembled a Polaroid of a sunset. Cory's spot was the school colors; Black and Maroon with her number and the school mascot on it.

She wasn't artistic. She needed a scholarship; without one she would surely never leave this stupid town. The town was nicknamed Bermuda by the locals.

She unlocked her 2010 Jeep Grande Cherokee. It was a used car bought off of a friend. Hence why it had a 2 inch lift and was running 27x12 wide. It was the ultimate beach buggy except they didn't live at the beach. They just so happened to live in Georgia just north of the Florida line.

She pulled herself into the obnoxious vehicle. She chucked her backpack and soccer bag into the backseat, she had practice today but had 45 minutes before her coach arrived. She was going to treat herself to some food before the Shit show that was bound to await the players.

Her coach- coach Acre was as old school as they get. If you didn't beat your opponent by 3 then it wasn't really a win, if you didn't hit a certain amount of miles per game you would run the rest of your miles the next day. Everybody hated him for it but loved him since he pushed them to succeed. He also ran early morning practices quite a bit which created a rift between him and the players that liked their snooze buttons a tad bit too much.

She drove to the Gate station and bought a monster and a pack of Fruit snacks. She paid for her purchase and got back in her car driving back to the school. She sat in her car with the windows down filling out her math homework. She wouldn't want to do it over the weekend so why not kill two birds with one stone?

Her alarm rang signaling 15 minutes till coach came. She put away her stuff, rolled up her windows, and grabbed her kit bag. She walked to the girl's locker room being shared by the girl's softball and volleyball team.

She walked to the last row of lockers that was dedicated to the soccer girls or at least they liked to think so. Cory stripped from her sweatpants and old tournament t-shirt into her practice gear. Black compression shorts, red 5-inch inseam shorts, her practice jersey, and a headband. She exited the locker rooms after peeing and putting away her stuff.

She walked to the field with her socks, studs, shin pads, and athletic tape. She got to the field and tapped her right ankle and right wrist. She slid on her socks and put in her shin pads before slipping on her boots.

She got a head start on stretching wanting to stretch her tight hamstrings before coach showed up. She did her routine as she awaited the arrival of her coach. He finally showed up after all the girls had come out of the locker room and were juggling to pass the time.

"Alright. Ladies, please gather round. As you guys know you are ranked the best team in Georgia as of last year. Due to that, we will be having a scrimmage against the Stanford Women's team. This was a last-minute thing. Go hard, win, and don't do anything stupid. The last thing we need is to either Injure one of their players before their season or injure ourselves. With that said the game is tomorrow. We will do some tune-up stuff just to congeal as a cohesive unit but nothing too vigorous. The game will be played at the bulldog's stadium so we will be taking a trip to the university of Georgia. The bus leaves this parking lot at 10 am if you aren't in the parking lot by 9:45 you will be left here. With that said split into two lines and we will start off practice."

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